After the left’s relentless attacks against Donald Trump, he might have finally said something that liberals and conservatives – at least the ones who stand to benefit from this plan – can agree on. . . taxes. This might sound strange, considering taxes have always created a large divide between the two parties. How does he plan on doing this, you might be wondering.
His plan is to substantially reduce the taxes being paid by the middle class, while eliminating taxes altogether for lower income households. When asked who he would raise taxes on, he said he plans on raising taxes on some of the very wealthy in America. The upper class might not like that plan, but it kind of makes sense.
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So by making the lower income “exempt” from taxes he’s pretty much indirectly asking for those who voted for Obama to vote for him?
Amazing plan.
Well currently about 40% of the population doesn’t pay any income tax anyways, in fact most of those even get tax returns, so really his exempt people is just a gimmick that won’t affect much but sounds good
I like him till then
he should be the next president america
He is an Idiot
Go Trump
Trump for president
You go big guy, got my attention.