Once again Donald Trump and his staff engaged in a long lost art called “reading about stuff.”
When Donald Trump reads about stuff, he then makes comments about it in debates. The other candidates and moderators are so stunned at anything different being said that isn’t the the typical talking points that they immediately deride innovative ideas. They cannot accept that Donald Trump has ideas they don’t understand because they have bough into the lie that Trump is a lightweight.
Taking out communication services should always be priority number one of a nation serious about battling jihadists. The fact that it isn’t explains a lot about our current situation that has jihadists popping up every month to slaughter some more Westerners.
Read the nest page for details on Trump’s idea
Sounds like the communist party and trying to control the mass population of the USA total control P eriod
Trump doesn’t know how to make America Great again for he has not true stradegy
The internet is too complicated to shut down jus one part????
That means all of the Internet for there is more than just the ISIS you should fear there is porn child pernography hand much more evil
NOPE you are missguided We The People want another Lincon that says it like it is without a spin or false promises that can’t be accomplished
Wake up because TRUMP is fear mongering
ISIS Is bad stuff but there is so many other things that is bad for our Children including Gov. Control in many forms not just ISIS but our own Gov. Uses the propoganda also
Jamie Hanson-Quebedeaux WOW you just keep giving Trump excuses
You think someone who has been given everything he owns knows what average Americans are feeling? You are the problem.
Jamie Hanson-Quebedeaux Wake up he is worth billions because he knows how to use the system for his own riches and that sounds like Killary Hummmmmm