Trump says he would shut down government over Planned Parenthood

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Monday that he is in favor of Republicans moving to shut down the federal government in the Planned Parenthood funding fight.
“I can tell you this: I would,” the presidential candidate said when asked by conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt whether he supports shutting the government down in the fight.
“I think you have to in this case,” added Trump, the current front-runner in Republican primary polls.
Congressional Republicans and Democrats, along with President Barack Obama, are heading for another standoff in September that revolves around funding for the health and family-planning organization.
The controversy came to light when anti-abortion advocates released a series of videos that appear to show Planned Parenthood officials selling fetal tissue – a violation of rules laid down on the federal government.
Leftist Sen. Elizabeth Warren has termed the controversy a false-flag effort to deny federal government funding to poor women who count on Planned Parenthood for health care.


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