Trump says Disgrace: Colorado Delegates Decided in 10 Seconds

Fox 31 in Denver said the process “had to be seen to be believed” and they did not exaggerate.

From Fox 31 Denver:

If a candidate was serious about going to Cleveland, they went all out: Knocking on doors, making phone calls, drafting friends and family to make signs and buttons and hand out campaign literature at the assemblies.

In the end, party politics made the likelihood of getting their number marked on the ballot very low. The presidential candidates all had slates with predetermined candidates for the national convention.

And the chances got worse if a state delegate was publicly supporting any candidate not named Ted Cruz — the Texas senator on Saturday clinched the support of every pledged delegate in Colorado, capturing all of the final 13 delegates who will go to the national convention in July.

Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump called it a disgrace. There aren’t too many that would disagree with The Donald on this one.

Source: Fox 31 Denver



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