Donald Trump has long been plagued by accusations that he never answers how he would accomplish his most controversial policy positions, and no position’s plausibility has been criticized more than his call to build a border wall — and force Mexico to pay for it.
This week, Donald is finally laying out how he would make Mexico pay for the wall that seals them off from their northern border, and it’s not as crazy as one might think.
Sure, former Mexican President Vicente Fox may have said that Mexico will not pay for “that f***king wall,” but Donald’s plan seems to give them no choice but comply. That’s because he intends to cut off one of Mexico’s most important sources of capital if they don’t.
To see how Donald plans to pay for the wall that has been central to his campaign since the beginning, continue reading on the next page:
Who’s side is Obama on?! Sure not America’s side as you can see….his brain dead don’t want the hell he’s talking about is on full display in that video.One of the most ignorantly dumb that I have ever seen in my entire life!
The Mexicans would mail cash in envelopes if it came down to it. 5 months to come up with an answer and this is Trumps best shot? I can do better.
You just threatened our elected leader. And that is treason.
What kind if fucked up human are you?
It’s going to be awesome.
By “we” you mean 28%of American voters right. 28% choose Trump because there’s nothing better available.
When Obama is gone in a few months and your life still sucks who will you blame?
Living in Texas I see daily Hispanics sending money to Mexico…Trump is right again.
The day`s of the “Anti-Christ“ of being in the white-house are Numbered.
Obama has no wisdom to speak….never had a job or payed his own way ever