Donald Trump has long been plagued by accusations that he never answers how he would accomplish his most controversial policy positions, and no position’s plausibility has been criticized more than his call to build a border wall — and force Mexico to pay for it.
This week, Donald is finally laying out how he would make Mexico pay for the wall that seals them off from their northern border, and it’s not as crazy as one might think.
Sure, former Mexican President Vicente Fox may have said that Mexico will not pay for “that f***king wall,” but Donald’s plan seems to give them no choice but comply. That’s because he intends to cut off one of Mexico’s most important sources of capital if they don’t.
To see how Donald plans to pay for the wall that has been central to his campaign since the beginning, continue reading on the next page:
How you going to patrol 2000 miles
People get your head out of your$#%&!@*they estimated the wall for 20 billions not counting maintenance
And what about Canada border is 4000 thousand miles a lot of terrorist go trough Canada border remember 9 11 they came trough Canada…wake up smell the coffee
What did you ever do for our country Obama but bring a bunch of Muslims in and illegals also
Come on Obama if you can force everyone to have health insurance whether they can afford it or not (make them pay a fine) but you can’t track funds being sent to Mexico? Perhaps your not trying hard enough you$#%&!@*wipe
A businessman thinking outside the box …
He’s a Muslim. It’s simple really. A closet Muslim with a not so closet agenda. If he came out and admitted he was we would all see he’s got a pro Muslim agenda. He’s filling all kinds of high profile government offices with them. Our government has been severely penetrated by radical Islam.
They’re not willing to pay the proper amount …. hard work deserves good pay. No self respecting American should slave for pennies. No one should.
Because they have medical and practical uses?
Mr. Obama needs to use military force to tear that wall down!!! That wall has caused nothing but problems since day one, and WILL STILL cause NOTHING but problems for THIS Great nation!!!
I’m ashamed of most of my fellow Americans. We have a generation who preaches how bad capitalism is while coveting expensive things. Not only do they covet them, they expect them to be handed everything they think they deserve on a silver platter. Everyone should be ashamed of the soft$#%&!@*generation they raised.
The MeXicans will have his back!!! No one’s going to touch him!!! My word is bond!!!