Donald Trump has long been plagued by accusations that he never answers how he would accomplish his most controversial policy positions, and no position’s plausibility has been criticized more than his call to build a border wall — and force Mexico to pay for it.
This week, Donald is finally laying out how he would make Mexico pay for the wall that seals them off from their northern border, and it’s not as crazy as one might think.
Sure, former Mexican President Vicente Fox may have said that Mexico will not pay for “that f***king wall,” but Donald’s plan seems to give them no choice but comply. That’s because he intends to cut off one of Mexico’s most important sources of capital if they don’t.
To see how Donald plans to pay for the wall that has been central to his campaign since the beginning, continue reading on the next page:
Mexico response we pay for teds hookers
obama is an idiot!!!
well if a wall is too spendy what about an electric fence? with a few thousand volts going thru it? probably cheaper than a wall
People get your head out of your$#%&!@*they estimated the wall for 20 billions not counting maintenance
And what about Canada border is 4000 thousand miles a lot of terrorist go trough Canada border remember 9 11 they came trough Canada…wake up smell the coffee
What burns my$#%&!@*is that Obama can not pass E-verify and should not even be working in government. He is not a natural born citizen. His father was born in Kenya. No one knows where he was born. There is not one credible document that shows he was ever a citizen. Barack Hussein Obama is removable from the United States and in violation of the law under the legally recognized categories of falsely claiming U.S. citizenship,” Even if a legitimate birth certificate exists, Barack Obama’s repeated use of a clearly forged birth certificate is still a crime.” And yet the Congress and the courts totally ignore the facts and allow him to sit in the office.
Every knowledgeable person in the world knows that this lying, foreign national , pro-terrorist, criminal, POTUS is illegally holding this position and making illegal executive orders ( acts of treason ) that are totally destroying this nation. If the Constitution and law was followed everything he has done would be null and void and he would be convicted and punished for his crimes.
Pass this around, everybody should know, call your congressman, demand the rule of law.
Then why you buying the drugs ?? Why you don’t blame Americans to we have to look at both sides of the coin Mexican cartel customer #1 USA
People get your head out of your$#%&!@*they estimated the wall for 20 billions not counting maintenance
And what about Canada border is 4000 thousand miles a lot of terrorist go trough Canada border remember 9 11 they came trough Canada…wake up smell the coffee
Yes make America great idiot
Why can you ???
People get your head out of your$#%&!@*they estimated the wall for 20 billions not counting maintenance
And what about Canada border is 4000 thousand miles a lot of terrorist go trough Canada border remember 9 11 they came trough Canada…wake up smell the coffee
Your are right they are in the White House and I’m not talking about Obama is many of them in power