Donald Trump has long been plagued by accusations that he never answers how he would accomplish his most controversial policy positions, and no position’s plausibility has been criticized more than his call to build a border wall — and force Mexico to pay for it.
This week, Donald is finally laying out how he would make Mexico pay for the wall that seals them off from their northern border, and it’s not as crazy as one might think.
Sure, former Mexican President Vicente Fox may have said that Mexico will not pay for “that f***king wall,” but Donald’s plan seems to give them no choice but comply. That’s because he intends to cut off one of Mexico’s most important sources of capital if they don’t.
To see how Donald plans to pay for the wall that has been central to his campaign since the beginning, continue reading on the next page:
Right? Proofreading is a joke these days.
The immigrants always make sure we Gay’s have plenty of Crystal Meth and Heroin for all of our California Gay Pride Events. It’s probably why Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton sent the drug cartels all the assault weapons with the excuse they were using the weapons to track them. Hundreds of civilian women and children were murdered including two US border agents. This forced a mass migration of illegal’s fleeing the Mexican Drug Cartels.
Is Obama on Americas side ? Hell no , everybody but America, I blame the congress and senate also for letting him get by with his Muslim c**p !
mexico is a corrupt and defunct country with a murder rate 3 times higher than ours per capita!!!!!!!
She has a penis
the only thing mexico understands is a gun in their face! They’ve been sticking a gun in our face with their$#%&!@*drug cartels, and drug smugglers, and dealers. TRUMP WILL NOW STICK A GUN IN THEIR FACE!!!!!!!
It’s funny Obama responded to this but he never responded on the Isis genocide taking place around the world against Christianity….
Obama forgot that there will be a wall and immigration officer will finally do their job now with new leader
Put Obama’s anti american$#%&!@*over that wall!