Donald Trump has long been plagued by accusations that he never answers how he would accomplish his most controversial policy positions, and no position’s plausibility has been criticized more than his call to build a border wall — and force Mexico to pay for it.
This week, Donald is finally laying out how he would make Mexico pay for the wall that seals them off from their northern border, and it’s not as crazy as one might think.
Sure, former Mexican President Vicente Fox may have said that Mexico will not pay for “that f***king wall,” but Donald’s plan seems to give them no choice but comply. That’s because he intends to cut off one of Mexico’s most important sources of capital if they don’t.
To see how Donald plans to pay for the wall that has been central to his campaign since the beginning, continue reading on the next page:
lol, he wants the border open, of course he will respond
Obama is the enemy! This plan for the muslims to infiltrate America has been going on since the 80’s and obama is part of the Islamic terrorist to take over America and thanks to all you fucked up liberals the plan is working! To the dumbfuck liberal’s out there I hope your families will get their heads cut off while u have to watch!
He tracks everything we the people do . Trump 2016
he knows trump will do it
They got it rigged if Trump gets all the votes they will make who they want to win we need to call and email and write to see if we can stop this !
Obama can golf all he wants when the Trump Train takes over and unravels his disasters… Trump Train!!
Obama goes play golf too keep from working–Obama does not or ever owned a business, he has always worked for the govt. –a govet employee telling a private business man he does not know .
EDUCATION IS POWER: The Elite (Globalists) who run the world have an agenda for America. They already have Europe in their back pockets….to bring them down to their knees so they can completely control them….And we’re next…Its all about bringing forth the One World Government!!
Our President, Congress and the Senate are all working towards their agenda, without the American citizens knowledge or approval. (the masses are blind to it) Candidates,Cruz and Kasich are apart of this agenda.
Trump sees what they are doing and hes coming against them. This is the power he’s up against on a daily basis.They hate Trump and his plan. Congress and Senate will lose their gravy train ($$$)..and their oath to the Globalist would be broken. (each one give their oath to the secret society) Trump needs us to stand with him, so we can take back our country.
150 years ago when Abraham Lincoln was murdered the Globalists kidnapped our government and our money.. And Trump wants to retrieve our government and give it back to the people.
The Establishment has been unfolding their evil plans of…
1) TPTA- International free trade (which we do not benefit from)
2) Amnesty: open borders and automatic citizenship
3) Common-core: Global educational system
4) Obamacare without appeal or adjustment.
Why do they want free trade?
b/c we lose our job market
Why do they want open borders?
b/c it will crash our economy and ruins the core of our country.
Why do they want common-core for our children?
b/c its to control our children/ profiling them. Its a communist educational system…started in China.
Just as the master government computer (called the beast) is profiling the adults through Google, FB, GPS, online bank etc. Its collecting information daily on each one of us…what we like, hate, what we eat, where we go, live, our belief, faith, our family, work, banking, etc…So later they can use it against us…and common core does the same thing through their education system they can choose a path for your kids and they choose where your children will work.
Why did they push obamacare on us?
b/c we learned from WWII, To control the masses, the government has to use universal healthcare.
Once our country is brought to its knees…then theyre able to take away our Constitution!!….and that’s exactly their plan. Once that is gone…they can completely take over America and its ppl…and they will own us….and we’ll lose all rights/ and have no power. The establishment, who I call the Globalist’s “managers”…b/c they keep their agenda going forward on the local level.
Now you know why this election is soOooo important for us. If you love him or hate him…hes our only chance to save our nation..After the 2016 election, the GOP said they will change the rules permanently so there will never be another Trump running…and it will give the party power to choose the person, support them and place them into the White House with ease..
Vote for Trump and save our nation!!
Obama ain’t done$#%&!@*and he’s gonna talk about getting things done!!! Go do what you do best mr. President and golf!! Leave the real men to get this job done!!
prison for Obama, Clintons and their minions