Donald Trump has long been plagued by accusations that he never answers how he would accomplish his most controversial policy positions, and no position’s plausibility has been criticized more than his call to build a border wall — and force Mexico to pay for it.
This week, Donald is finally laying out how he would make Mexico pay for the wall that seals them off from their northern border, and it’s not as crazy as one might think.
Sure, former Mexican President Vicente Fox may have said that Mexico will not pay for “that f***king wall,” but Donald’s plan seems to give them no choice but comply. That’s because he intends to cut off one of Mexico’s most important sources of capital if they don’t.
To see how Donald plans to pay for the wall that has been central to his campaign since the beginning, continue reading on the next page:
Go Trump Go
It’s amazing how you can hate Mexicans talk trash about them kick them out of america say they are stealing jobs but you still want them to work to build a wall if it wasn’t for Mexicans and all the people you treat like c**p nothing would be done Mexicans are not stealing jobs they are given to them because they are cheaper to pay its a terrible truth and terrible how people treat them for the hard labor and work they have to do on a daily basis just to get by and feed their family I have friends that are Hispanic respect them and their culture but people are morons Mexican people probably get paid 6-7/hr if that probably less their is a comedian look him up on YouTube if you want I don’t remember his name but type in $97 dollar salad
Exactly what I was thinking!
Dumb ape asshole
I am from manitowoc wisconsin, I do not or have not heard 1 person say they were going to vote for cruz. My family has alot of democrats in it and they voted for trump. I saw bernie signs and trump signs around town, none for cruz. I even know a few hillary suporters, but again none for cruz. How the he’ll could Cruz have taken manitowoc county by 10 points. I don’t trust these voting machines. So let’s start the never Cruz crew. I pledge to not vote for Cruz no matter the circumstances. We can play this game to. Voting is secret I get it, but how can we verify votes with the voting machines if it is secret. I think it is time to put names to votes and make them public to avoid cheating. If you are not ashamed of who you vote for what the problem. It’s the only way to verify honest elections.
Go trump. Get out of America obama
I’m glad everyone here’s on the same page on mexicans sending money away from the U.S. I can finally share in our grief.
Tj u obviously don’t no what is really going on , Obama is anti American ,pro Muslim, he is bringing in Muslims and Mexicans to take over our country
about nine more months of his$#%&!@*matter.