Trump Responds to Former Mexican President Who Claims: We Won’t ‘Pay any Single Cent’ for ‘Stupid Wall’

During an interview with CNBC’s Hadley Gamble, Calderon said that it’s “incredible” that the United States has candidates like Donald Trump. Well, what about candidates like Hillary Clinton? And what exactly is Calderon’s stake in all of this?

Calderón responded to Trump’s tough stance on immigration, saying, “The first loser of such a policy would be the United States. If this guy pretends that closing the borders to anywhere,either for trade [or] for people, is going to provide prosperity to the United States, he is completely crazy.

Trump, of course, had a response.

“I heard” President Calderon’s claims that Mexico will not pay for any part of a border wall, “and I said, ‘now the wall just got taller.’”

There’s nothing like a well-aimed insult to show just how afraid you are. At this point, it’s become increasingly clear that the Left and people like Felipe Calderon don’t insult Trump because they think he’s a joke. They insult him because they’re afraid of him.





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