There’s been a raging debate in the US over the safety of vaccinations — specifically over whether certain childhood immunizations increase the likelihood of Autism. This is a particularly acrimonious debate, as could be expected since we are dealing with the health of our children and the assertion that a common medical practice, administering vaccines, could actually increase the chances of the kids developing a serious illness that will be with them their entire lives — at least until a cure is found.
The tensions in this debate have been mounting for some time. The official government position was not helped by a whistleblower who exposed a coverup by the Centers for Disease Control of a report showing that vaccines increase Autism by 340%. In addition, vaccine skeptics would be emboldened by a comment by Bill Gates that vaccines represent an effective method of population reduction — something he apparently supports.
This cause — to establish whether vaccines cause Autism — is very dear to the heart of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. And that’s just the man who Donald Trump appears to have selected to chair a commission to look into this controversial matter.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claimed Tuesday that he has been selected to chair a new vaccine- safety and scientific-integrity commission in the Trump administration.
Kennedy told reporters he accepted Trump’s offer to head the commission, without offering further details. But Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said no decision has been made.
“The president-elect is exploring the possibility of forming a committee on autism, which affects so many families; however, no decisions have been made at this time,” she said.
The selection would draw criticism, as Kennedy has likened vaccines to a “holocaust.”
Coming for a family that has been a bulwark of the Democratic Party, the appointment, if true, is something of a blockbuster.
Kennedy, the son of Sen. Robert Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy, was asked what they would have thought of Trump.
“He probably comes into office less encumbered by ideology or obligations than anybody that has been in political office or won the presidency. We’ll see what happens,” he said.
Appointing a Kennedy to a position of importance in his administration does take some of the wind out of the Democrats’ sails once again. And note Mr. Kennedy’s reply to the reporter’s question about Mr. Trump, “We’ll see what happens.” That more of his Democratic colleagues might show at least a bit of this sort of graciousness.
Source: NY Post
If you’ve been fed garbage all your life,….garbage is all you will know…
That will keep them on their toes make sense
Great news America
There are people who believe autism is a result of too strong vaccines too early.
He’s an old hippy yep! Southern Illinois Libertarian Party, Old hippe .. The indoctrination becomes complete, trash in trash out, fed what they want you to think . Btw drop out at seventeen Vietnam era sailor Veterans for Rand Paul 2016 .. lol …