Donald Trump has been called a liberal at one point or another on nearly every major policy point this election, with the exception of one.
Unlike his views on healthcare, abortion, and gay marriage, Trump’s stance on guns appears to be sterling. He’s a fierce defender of our Second Amendment, and none of his competitors seem to disagree.
Still, Trump wants to prove he’s serious about Americans’ right to bear arms. In order to accomplish this, he’s posted his official Second Amendment rights plan on his website for all to see.
Should they look, his supporters will likely be delighted by Trump’s forceful and plain spoken condemnation of gun control. Trump has been criticized — rightly — that he never says how he would accomplish his goals. With this release, he’s starting to answer these questions.
To see the specifics of the plan, continue reading on the next page:
David Klepfer thanks for speaking the truth
Danny Miller Cofield v Coryell , the Supreme Court ruled that freedom of movement is a fundamental constitutional rignt.
Danny Miller that isn’t how rights are made btw. Rights are things another human has to impose their will upon you in order to usurp them.
Someone has to shut you up. (Speech, press)
Someone has to make you move. (Protest)
Someone has to stop you. (Movement)
Someone tries to kill you. (Life, 2nd Amendment)
I haven’t seen any plans by the other candidates.
Interesting point to be made. He says driving is a privilege, not a right. The constitution says driving is a right. If they can take that right and turn it into a privilege then they can do that with any right. Democracy is slavery and liberalism is the disease our constitution was supposed to vaccinate us against.
The government wants you with a pee shooter when it time for a civil war. They have the good guns. And we have a pee shooter.
Wake up America.
Trump has said this on his first day of running.
No bans on rifles
More info for background checks
Constitutional carry all 50 states
Mentally ill not allowed
Vote trump. You don’t see Cruz or anyone else posting what they will do.
It’s our right! To walk our country protected. It’s a no brainer
Vote out the tyranny
Vote for Trump
All thaty matters is his court pick because our rights are what the battle of the court is all about. We are tired of the court stripping away rights and liberties.
The constitution protects thr citizens from the government. Also the constitution was written long before autod
LIBERAL ,MY$#%&!@*!!!!