Donald Trump has been called a liberal at one point or another on nearly every major policy point this election, with the exception of one.
Unlike his views on healthcare, abortion, and gay marriage, Trump’s stance on guns appears to be sterling. He’s a fierce defender of our Second Amendment, and none of his competitors seem to disagree.
Still, Trump wants to prove he’s serious about Americans’ right to bear arms. In order to accomplish this, he’s posted his official Second Amendment rights plan on his website for all to see.
Should they look, his supporters will likely be delighted by Trump’s forceful and plain spoken condemnation of gun control. Trump has been criticized — rightly — that he never says how he would accomplish his goals. With this release, he’s starting to answer these questions.
To see the specifics of the plan, continue reading on the next page:
But did he give money to wounded warriors
For everyone talking trash about Trump supporters…
Was Obama in the military
I served 30 plus years in the army
I have several friends that didnt make my vacation to nam with me
And truthfully im bit niw nir have i ever been real thrilled about fighting beside someone that didnt want to be there
Remember when there use to be respect and intelligence in America
Clinton dodged the draft as well.
Trump is great
How many running served in military? Trump got college deferment just like thousands of others…..then failed physical….so Mike show us your Medal of Honor
Donald Trump had a vision. He was saving himself for the future of America. Make America Great Again!!
I have yet to hear of any of the current arbitrary and illegal laws on the books that will be repealed. Standing behind the 2nd means more than not passing new laws. It also means getting rid the current infringements. And if you’re trying to convince the people you support something, you shouldn’t post obviously f**e pictures. It’s a matter of credibility, especially when your past opinions on the matter were the opposite of what you’re saying now.