Donald Trump has been called a liberal at one point or another on nearly every major policy point this election, with the exception of one.
Unlike his views on healthcare, abortion, and gay marriage, Trump’s stance on guns appears to be sterling. He’s a fierce defender of our Second Amendment, and none of his competitors seem to disagree.
Still, Trump wants to prove he’s serious about Americans’ right to bear arms. In order to accomplish this, he’s posted his official Second Amendment rights plan on his website for all to see.
Should they look, his supporters will likely be delighted by Trump’s forceful and plain spoken condemnation of gun control. Trump has been criticized — rightly — that he never says how he would accomplish his goals. With this release, he’s starting to answer these questions.
To see the specifics of the plan, continue reading on the next page:
Freedom to move from state to state is a right but to drive is not. That is a privilege given to you by the states and can be revoked
Aaron, you need to Terra’s the constitution. To move between the states is a right but driving is a privilege given to you by the states
I have never seen a semi auto with a discharge port on the left.
The second amendment needs no “plan,” other than to obey it. Just leave it alone.
Tom Hadley
Not according to Supreme Court and high court case law.
Trump is dangerous for so
Many reasons. He is not a Conservative and he is not a Democrat. He’s a f**e that’s in it all for himself. How he has sucked so many people into his web on nonsense is just mind boggling.
You can’t be for gun rights and restrictions at the same time bro. If I hit you with a fork that’s an assault weapon. No such thing as a category of guns called assault weapons
Trump is another mistake for this country. Just like obama was.
Freedom of movement doesn’t mean they have to give you the right to drive a car to do it
Truth and Action your articles are nothing more than click bait and your super tiny lettering is beyond words. Long story short, YOUR PAGE STINKS, I for one am unfollowing/unliking YOU