After months of vague promises, Donald Trump is beginning to get specific. He’s already released his detailed plan on healthcare, and now he’s tackling guns, as well.
Here are some highlights from his plan:
GUN AND MAGAZINE BANS. Gun and magazine bans are a total failure. That’s been proven every time it’s been tried. Opponents of gun rights try to come up with scary sounding phrases like “assault weapons”, “military-style weapons” and “high capacity magazines” to confuse people. What they’re really talking about are popular semi-automatic rifles and standard magazines that are owned by tens of millions of Americans. Law-abiding people should be allowed to own the firearm of their choice. The government has no business dictating what types of firearms good, honest people are allowed to own.
BACKGROUND CHECKS. There has been a national background check system in place since 1998. Every time a person buys a gun from a federally licensed gun dealer – which is the overwhelming majority of all gun purchases – they go through a federal background check. Study after study has shown that very few criminals are stupid enough to try and pass a background check – they get their guns from friends/family members or by stealing them. So the overwhelming majority of people who go through background checks are law-abiding gun owners. When the system was created, gun owners were promised that it would be instant, accurate and fair. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case today. Too many states are failing to put criminal and mental health records into the system – and it should go without saying that a system’s only going to be as effective as the records that are put into it. What we need to do is fix the system we have and make it work as intended. What we don’t need to do is expand a broken system.
NATIONAL RIGHT TO CARRY. The right of self-defense doesn’t stop at the end of your driveway. That’s why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states. A driver’s license works in every state, so it’s common sense that a concealed carry permit should work in every state. If we can do that for driving – which is a privilege, not a right – then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege.
It doesn’t stop there. Trump continues at length about current laws and the importance of mental healthcare as well. Follow the source link for his full plan. It’s sure to make any gun owner happy.
Oh because perfect boy Cruz don’t lie it back stab or fight against his own party. He is a traitor and so are the rest. He and Cruz are so scared of Trump they are wasting money on vicious and lying ads. And what’s funny. People are still voting for Trump. And they must know Trump will do what he says. Or they wouldn’t be so worried about their pockets getting a little less empty. Have you thought about that? And until he hadn’t done what he says. Don’t assume or accuse him. He has more guts in his little finger than the rest in their bodies.
Oh sure you think that. But guess what? He is the man for the job. And all the haters and doubters really know it to. Go Trump
Cathy, hope your right, but if not we will all regret this .
So basically he will NULLIFY the 2nd Amendment and replace it with a Government Permission Slip.
I really hate when people photo shop and try to play it off as truth