Donald Trump has finally made his opinion known concerning the refugee situation in Syria and the questionable amount of people President Obama wants to let into the United States. And like most of the other points Trump has brought up over the course of his presidential campaign, he might be right. In the interview with Fox News, he said that accepting these migrants could be like accepting “a Trojan Horse”.
Read more about his interview on the next page.
Wouldn’t know What liberals do or don’t do Wade Wichman I personally don’t know one
Christina Mahurin Mike Hartman
Makes me sick. Trump is absolutely right..It’s common sense though!
Obama only allegiance is to his people. The muslims who he wants to help control everyone. This is the muslim brotherhood at work.
Duh, that’s obumers plan
“There’s not that much thinking involved. All one has to do is look at how the refugees have affected Western Europe and use that example to decide if letting them into the United States is a good idea. It isn’t.”
Very true. It isn’t rocket science.
200,000 “refugees” coming over. I’m sure they don’t have any military background
Send them all back
He is right, a global Islamic coup.