Donald Trump has finally made his opinion known concerning the refugee situation in Syria and the questionable amount of people President Obama wants to let into the United States. And like most of the other points Trump has brought up over the course of his presidential campaign, he might be right. In the interview with Fox News, he said that accepting these migrants could be like accepting “a Trojan Horse”.
Read more about his interview on the next page.
I for the second time agree with the mouth
and the most expensive as well.
well soon you will vote for him trump 2016 (y)
Smart man
Vett or disallow every refugee, and accept intact FAMILIES first.
No more increase taxes for me to take care of illegal immigrants and muslim refugees.
Hes a buisnessman i mean politicians have shown how they dont work. Anyobe who is bkind enough to not vote for trump then im sure you also believed ovamas bulkshit n support him
Never Wade Wichman never would rather see a democrat in than trump at least we wouldn’t be at war 30days after he was in office because of his arrogance