Donald Trump has certainly spiced up the political scene as of late…mainly, because he isn’t primarily political. Donald Trump is a highly successful business man who wants to get into politics to better the deteriorating playing field that he is so successful at.
The fact that someone from outside politics who is highly successful could take the reigns of our nation and make America great again is undoubtably intriguing.
Would Donald Trump make a good President? Would he really make America great again?
We need to ask the right question and be diligent about finding the correct answer…
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Better than obummer
you just said the economy is in shamble. I want to know. will the economy be put right by the same liars who deceived us in the first place? obviously not. these old war lords are deceivers and liars that is how we got into this bad situation. do we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid!!!! what should be extracted from him is if voted will he not go back to these same liars for a pact and jettison the american people? even God is tired of their lies. there is need for a change and my humble opinion is that the old breed cannot do that judging from their past antecedent/ the only thing you cannot change is change its self. it is clear that the nation needs a change not only politically but morally. and socially. the extreme liberalism where unborn babies are traded for profit tells us that these evil men are worst than african slave traders. conscience and truth must be brought it some where now. trump does not need to learn from liars and deceivers. he only needs to come with drastic measures that will challenge statuquo. it would painful and challenge our comfort zone. but in the end the sacrifice will be worth it. we must break from these old habits that plunged the nation into perennial crises. Please bring back God into our life. i mean every ares of the nations fabric
We don’t need any career politicians for ever taking our money and make therself ritch.
Better than what y’all elected now.
They guy has the verbal filters of a six year old. How could that possibly go wrong? On the other hand, he’s doing more right now to ensure we elect a Democrat into the White House than the entire GOP and Democratic party combined. Good work, Donald! Keep it up.
Yes. He could not do worse than the past 15 years.
Out of everyone running. Yes.
He tells it like it is and is not afraid to stand up for what he believes. Yes, I would vote for him. Don’t know who his running mate would be, and that would be something I would look at as well.