Several people took part in shaming Trump supporters in New Mexico. One woman is heard chanting, “keep your hate outta our state”, in the video clip below.
A man in the front, holding a Mexican flag screams at a family walking in with a child in their arms, “what are you teaching your children? To be rapists?”. What an incredible accusation to place upon the loyal fans of Donald Trump. It makes a person wonder, who are the real haters here?
As if that weren’t enough to russel the branches of the Trump campaign, another group of protestors came together for a good old fashioned flag burning, but instead of the American flag, they decided to burn the trump flag, seen here:
When asked, one man decided to stand up for the crowd in an attempt to explain the violence the people of New Mexico are exuding on rally goers. He deduces,
“[the people] don’t handle racism really well down here…there’s muslums in the United States military, giving their lives for our country…this country was created by people from all over the world and we’re strong with diversity and when he starts to divide us like that, it doesn’t go well with the public.”
Is that really a good excuse? Wasn’t this country founded on freedom? Freedom of speech, expression, freedom from persecution for our beliefs. So why are these protesters rallying so hard against the thing they are claiming to stand up for? If the people are mad at a candidate, that does not give them the right or the excuse to blatantly degrade others. This holds especially true when, one argument for protesting, is Trumps supposed use of violence. Look who’s violent now!
Sounds like Muslims to me