In a shocking election year promise, Republican candidate Donald Trump has announced that if he’s elected “We’ll find out who really brought down the twin towers on 9/11.”
Speaking at an election rally in Bluffton, South Carolina, Trump continued his no holds barred campaign approach towards former President George W. Bush and currently hiding behind his mother and older brother candidate, Jeb Bush.
Trump continued to drive the stake of the Iraq invasion through Jeb’s candidacy, hammering the beleaguered son and brother of former Presidents with the more and more obvious faked news and intelligence reports that led to George W’s invasion of Iraq to avenge his father’s humiliation at not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War.
This is just the briefest summary of the many and varied topics Trump covered at his rally today, please continue to the next page for more and more specific references to the Iraq war intelligence.
Bush was president when the Towers fell. What did Clinton have to do with it?
Hard to read sarcasm. One has to hear the tone.
I don’t believe anything Trump says. He backs out of business deals, practices hostle takeovers of small companies, and declares bankruptcy when he makes a bad business deal. He is one if the 1%. Beware his words. He wants to cut taxes to the rich so he may reap the benefits. Total conflict of interest.
He was too busy golfing to take out Bin Laudin, that’s what Clinton had to do with it. He sat around while Islam was at war with us getting interns in the oval office. The USS Cole was blown up under Clinton’s presidency, the Constitution Towers was blown up under Clinton’s presidency, the trade towers were attempted to be blown up under Clinton’s presidency. There were a whole lot more Islamic attacks under Clinton’s presidency that were not well known that Clinton did nothing about, he was too busy chasing hot babes too be bothered with. Islam has been at war with us for a very long time and anyone who’s doing anything is ridiculed by liberals and labeled racist. The liberals keep us from winning any war, they throw rules of engagement that keep us from winning and then pull out our forces when we do win.
Clinton was too busy getting a bj from Monica and didn’t take out bin Laden after they bombed the USS Cole. Check the facts. Bill could have nipped this in the bud, but he was too busy getting his own bud nipped.
It’s about time!
There is know way in hell a building that tall and built to withstand a plane the same same is going to crumble in seconds!! Quit believing everything you are told .
The builds were all pre wired for these explosions.
I dont have any info to confirm this I am just guessing.