In a shocking election year promise, Republican candidate Donald Trump has announced that if he’s elected “We’ll find out who really brought down the twin towers on 9/11.”
Speaking at an election rally in Bluffton, South Carolina, Trump continued his no holds barred campaign approach towards former President George W. Bush and currently hiding behind his mother and older brother candidate, Jeb Bush.
Trump continued to drive the stake of the Iraq invasion through Jeb’s candidacy, hammering the beleaguered son and brother of former Presidents with the more and more obvious faked news and intelligence reports that led to George W’s invasion of Iraq to avenge his father’s humiliation at not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War.
This is just the briefest summary of the many and varied topics Trump covered at his rally today, please continue to the next page for more and more specific references to the Iraq war intelligence.
Trump has fool a lot of stupid people who will not find out who he really is
Main Stream Media. FOX, CNN, MSNBC, etc.
And you are fucking dillusional!!
Roy the irony of your comment you dumb f**k
****PLEASE READ**** ! ! My sons story, There are so many out there praying for us and wishing us well, My son has Aspergers, ADD, Clinical Anxiety and Clinical Depression with suicidal tendencies if there is anyone out there, a Celebrity maybe or anyone else with some clout who has the resources to get my sons story heard, My sons story would then have been given a chance of at least being read by the celeb or someone able to help in his cause. The story on my wall has been provided with so much proof it would make them sick over it and someone would have done something by now. I am still praying it will happen. INTERESTED in doing the right thing?? Championing a special needs child Being abused while it is ignored by everyone in the state of Illinois simply because he is different. While they refuse to admit that not only does it happen but that it is a frequent and growing issue across this country This kind of treatment will eventually affect all students and children in all Schools etc. If nothing else can you look at the post on my wall and read his story that I have been posting? Thank You! That story is why I have been repeatedly posting as replies on your posts for over a month now. Thank you. PLEASE READ MY WALL AND SHARE !!
Right now he is a little too busy winning in South Carolina, though! Donald J. Trump 2016!
Trump is a friggin idiot.
Vote Trump
It should be open knowledge to all Americans. If we are informed of all situations, then we can best know how to be prepared for anything coming at us.
yes thy well kill him like jfk and Diana and why were there workers in there the weekend before thy were hit??? Bushes brother in law company and all the se