In a shocking election year promise, Republican candidate Donald Trump has announced that if he’s elected “We’ll find out who really brought down the twin towers on 9/11.”
Speaking at an election rally in Bluffton, South Carolina, Trump continued his no holds barred campaign approach towards former President George W. Bush and currently hiding behind his mother and older brother candidate, Jeb Bush.
Trump continued to drive the stake of the Iraq invasion through Jeb’s candidacy, hammering the beleaguered son and brother of former Presidents with the more and more obvious faked news and intelligence reports that led to George W’s invasion of Iraq to avenge his father’s humiliation at not finishing Saddam in the first Gulf War.
This is just the briefest summary of the many and varied topics Trump covered at his rally today, please continue to the next page for more and more specific references to the Iraq war intelligence.
I don’t believe it was a plane. I don’t believe it was a missile. Video on the Internet liked like a uav.
Antonio Beltrán Manríquez my hero
It was Busch that did that! It’s no secret he trained Osama bin Ladin to fly the planes. What has me stumped is why a red flag didn’t go up when the rag heads said all they need to do is learn to fly the plane but not land. That would have made me wonder anyway.
It will be about time.
So please tell me…what does MSM stand for?
Well he’s not president anymore so tell all.we all know about the file at the trade center that were going to bury the president. It was the United states that did it but nobody believes it!!!
Watch your back.
We need you to make America Great Again
I am glad that someone can step up and say this. Oh I am sorry what I really mean is that you are stupid as fu**.
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld… Bunker busters and strategically placed explosives… All to distract the sheeple from the 17 trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon the day before and to further distract the sheeple to launch an invasion in the middle East. Isn’t it sick how Bush was coincidentally strategically placed so innocently at an elementary school when it all unfolded. Wake up sheeple!! You’re being led to slaughter.