In a election where most candidates are making extravagant promises they have no way of keeping, one is using his platform to draw attention to serious problems.
That candidate, of course, is Donald Trump, who has beaten out over a dozen competitors in his quest for the Republican nomination. This feat was accomplished in no small part by his willingness to call it like he sees it and say issues no one else wants to talk about need to be addressed.
With the party nod all but secured, Trump has now turned his sights to a new target: the stock market. In the real estate mogul’s eyes, the current state of affairs is unsustainable, so much so that he sees potential parallels between it and how the market looked just before it collapsed almost a decade ago.
In short, what Trump is predicting is a stock market crash, the severity of which could easily rival that of the last.
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“Sadly, Americans will continue to bury their heads in the sand until one Monday they wake up and find their money locked up in a bank with no way to retrieve it.”
Who would know better than a business man with mass experience in this field.
Trump number one for president all that way to the white house
Manipulation is what Obummer has been doing. He has fed the problem. Trump can’t stop it. He can only warn.
Bernie Sanders being supported shows the damage.
Marianne get in your car and tour small towns to see just how many small buisinesses have been forced to close, please do this! Peace and Love!!
Yes, the economic heart beat machine will flat line. Also martial law will be declared. When, don’t know. I know it’s going to be soon. Strength of America will fall. Much chaos.
Marianne Shaw you’re a complete idiot. You really need to stop drinking the Obama cool-aid
Fool !