But as you might have guessed, the usual suspects are pooh-poohing the Donald’s concerns, just like they did before the housing market went belly up. Several billionaires, however, agree with the presumptive Republican nominee that we are looking at a potential bubble that could pop at any minute:
“Trump isn’t the first billionaire to warn against overvalued tech companies…
Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) co-founder Bill Gates and venture capitalist and entrepreneur Mark Cuban have criticized what they call unicorns – private companies with weak fundamentals valued at over $1 billion, according to GeekWire.Cuban also cited another reason for a stock market crash: Trump himself. Cuban told CNN on Monday he thinks with “100% certainty” that Trump will cause a big correction in the markets.
On the other hand, U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen emphasized that the U.S. economy isn’t in a bubble back in April. Other economic and investment experts tend to agree, citing that stock prices, while high, aren’t near the extremes of the dot-com bubble in 1997-2000, according to CNN Money.
Typically, it takes several factors at the same time for the stock market to enter a serious decline. For example, 9/11 was a major contributing event to the dot-com bubble.”
Modernly, some of these factors could include: the economy falling into a recession, a Fed policy blunder, or a commodity price crisis, according to CNN Money.
A Foreboding Trump Isn’t New
This isn’t the first time Trump has predicted a stock market crash or a tech bubblethis year.
On April 15, Trump said that a stock market crash “will be coming” and that we’re also in a big bubble. He also said that the United States was on track for a huge recession, according to CNN Money.
And back in October 2015, the presumptive Republican nominee echoed the same fears of a stock market bubble to The Hill.
Source: Money Morning
30 million dropped out of the workforce under obama. There not counted.
Dan Celia of financial issues has the true numbers for you.
How does a stock market crash hurt poor people???? Lmao if anything it hurts rich people who have their money invested. Besides after it crashes stocks are affordable to way more people…….JS