Many in the FNIC have put forward the idea that President Trump needs to change in order to appeal to the broader swath of the American people. They offer a branch of wisdom that says, “President Trump, you are the problem. You are the one who needs to change yourself and your approach to dealing with difficult issues and then, maybe, the American people would be on your side (and your poll numbers wouldn’t be so God-awful low!)”
There are many on the Right who agree wholeheartedly with that sentiment as well. They cannot for the life of them understand how a person could a) vote for Trump in the first place, and b) make excuses for him when he deals so badly with crucial issues.
What they’re not taking into account, however, is context. They are constantly arriving at these conclusions through the eyes of people who despise Trump, who want him impeached, impaled and implicated. They are looking at his supposed low poll numbers, knowing full well that the FNIC presents those polls purposefully in a way that puts Trump (or any Republican) in a poor light. Does anyone REALLY believe that Barack Hussein Obama was the most popular president who ever lived…FOR EIGHT EXCRUCIATINGLY LONG YEARS?
If these people in the media, in the political realm and in the industrial world were looking at Trump through the eyes of the everyday American, they would understand a lot more about the motivations of the average person. They might be able to see why it is that he is so appealing.
But guess who is. That’s right. The Jackasses and the RINOs.
For as much as the FNIC wants to paint Trump as a reprobate, as a debased human being, as a shameless hustler, there are millions of us out here in the real America who seethe with anger at the very people who insist that they know what we think. And I’ve got news for the FNIC. You guys aren’t safe either.
In the Charlottesville melee, it is now clear that Mayor Michael Signer, a radical Democrat and close associate of Clinton campaign manager John Podesta, who early declared his city “a capital of the resistance” (against the constitutionally elected president), intervened for some protesters and against others, ordered the police to facilitate violence at times, and changed his previous support for retention of the contested statue of General Robert E. Lee to a vote for removal.
It was obvious to Mr. Signer and to the governor Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, a close Clinton insider, that they could engineer a showdown between opposing extremes that had nothing to do with the merits of General Lee, but that could escalate the polarization in the country to the embarrassment of the president. It was a cynical exercise in political manipulation by very distasteful means, and has so far been partially successful.
There’s a message here that many people are missing. Just because the monuments are listed as Confederate, doesn’t mean they’re detestable to all, but those born in the South. In fact, I have many friends who are re-enactors who spend a good portion of their lives gearing up for these very important mock battles. It’s a way of teaching our children what went before and what happened after. By cordoning off this past and then, eventually, eradicating it, you doom the children to repeat the past.
Ted Turner, who has strong roots in the south and has been a proud supporter of efforts to preserve the stories, the myths and the legends of the Civil War, who produced an amazing movie of the Battle of Gettysburg, and who is a HUGE liberal, has been mostly silent on this issue.
People who are attempting to preserve the past are not always doing it because they revere the message, but always do so because they revere the lessons. People who love the Civil War and what it stands for are not in agreement with slavery necessarily, but value what it shows us about the spirit of mankind, and particularly what it shows us about the spirit of Americans.
President Trump condemned the American Nazis and Klansmen who were most visible in support of the (rarely so abused) “right to speak,” and he also condemned those on the other side, who came armed and prepared for combat. These were led by the so-called Antifa (anti-fascists) and Black Lives Matter, and members of both groups contributed to the violence. The one fatality was perpetrated by an apparent anti-black racist with his car, in an action separate from the rioting.
There was absolutely nothing wrong with the president’s clear denunciation of the violent factions on both sides. Because Nazis are chiefly remembered for what was probably the greatest crime in human history, and the Klansmen are the most odious domestically originated political movement in American history, fomenting hate of non-whites, Jews, and Roman Catholics (about half the entire population now), public revulsion toward them both is deservedly almost universal.
But on the day, much responsibility rests with Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Antifa advocates a racial preference for DNA-authenticated “people of color,” the use of container ships to bring in scores of millions of non-white foreigners, the reduction of the white population of America to 30% and their colonial subjugation, and the nationalization of all major industries for operation at general communally shared benefit.
Antifa reserves the right and proclaims the duty to achieve its goals violently and by intimidation of its opponents, as it prevented pro-Trump people from marching peacefully in an annual civic parade in Portland, Oregon, in the spring, and an invited speaker from appearing at the University of California, Berkeley, in February.
Black Lives Matter is unexceptionable in its championship of African-American pride, but has a faction that is overtly violent and specializes in murdering white policemen, as it has done in several cities in the past year. The president was absolutely correct to condemn these groups also for their conduct at Charlottesville. (I feel a hitherto unsuspected nostalgia for the comparatively gentle Saul Alinsky.)
The people who have condemned the president for his remarks (or lack thereof) are missing the much bigger and broader point in this debate. This argument is not about Black versus White. In any fantasy-football version of a second Civil War, no one is talking about a race war. All everyone is talking about is a war of ideology.
One side believes that anything of value lies purely in everything that is non-White. Even the vast majority of Leftists who are White unerringly believe that they, in fact, are the problem, and even have guilt over this phenomenon. They don’t believe there is any redeeming factor in being White other than to advance the anti-White cause. This is the epitome of their ideology. Pure and simple. It doesn’t go beyond that. “White is not right!”
The other side believes that anything of value lies purely in everything that is human, even down to the smallest unborn life. Nothing is more precious. The vast majority of people on the Right want everyone to be successful, wealthy, charitable and faith-driven. They would love nothing more than a country that isn’t constantly fighting amongst each other and a government that keeps its big ugly nose out of our everyday affairs.
What has occurred in the American public political debate in the last week has been insane, and has shaken the confidence of everyone who wishes America well as to the mental stability and integrity of the American political class. That the national press and both parties in Congress are alarmed by Mr. Trump’s victory and aspects of his program, and are unconvinced of his durability, is in itself understandable, and has led to the false allegations that the president is a racist, a sexist, and a quasi-traitor who colluded with Russia to rig his election.
This spiked momentarily a few months ago with widespread talk of impending impeachment (the absence of any evidence of the required crime was not noticed for a while), and now, unimaginably, he is accused of being a Nazi sympathizer. Racists David Duke and Richard Spencer approve of Mr. Trump’s attacks on Antifa and BLM, which the press takes as confirmation that Mr. Trump is one of them. The most egregious charlatan in America, Al Sharpton, wants to rename the Washington Monument. Mr. Trump’s formerly most respectable critics are now clay in the hands of this riff-raff.
Madness is in the air, like a virus. The New York Times declares Trump’s sponsorship of Nazism on the front page. My former colleague at the Jerusalem Post, Bret Stephens, wrote last week in the Times that American Jews were now endangered by Mr. Trump’s anti-Semitism.
Other highly intelligent and cordial acquaintances of many years routinely utter insane opinions, and often vile slanders: Charles Krauthammer declared it “a moral disgrace” for Mr. Trump to condemn the left-wing violence in terms similar to those with which he condemned the Nazis and the KKK. Bill Kristol accused Tucker Carlson, for no reason, of being an apologist for slavery and an anti-Semite.
These pearls are representative of that formerly distinguished group. I know the people mentioned to be intelligent and decent, but I don’t know, even after speaking with some of them, why they have taken temporary leave of their senses. Falsely accusing someone of Nazism is morally equivalent to being a Nazi sympathizer; it is to this pitiable state that the country has been reduced.
The GOP has been slowly taking poison and killing itself over decades. It has capitulated over and over while the Left marched on toward the horizon of Regressivism. As Rush Limbaugh often asks, “Why is it when a Democrat wins the election, the Right must give in, become introspective, and realize that it lost because people don’t agree with them, and they must come to the other side to get things done? But when a Republican wins the election, the Right must now become humble and learn good judgment and treat the Left as equals in his newfound power?
This is absolutely correct and goes a long way to illustrate the utter foolishness in this endeavor because we will never be able to placate the left to their satisfaction.
The president suffered the cancellation of a lot of events at his Palm Beach club, Mar-a-Lago, but his position in most polls rose slightly in the week, showing how isolated from the country the national press is. Mr. Trump must rally the whole country against violent extremism of all kinds. Ninety percent of Americans would approve the message and are ready for it.
This would enable hysteria to subside, and establish the president as the leader of civilized discourse and not, as his enemies, including those in his own party, have claimed, a threat to it. (It was outrageous for Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell to tweet last week that “there are no good Nazis,” as if that contradicted the president.) The congressional Republicans have failed so completely because they opposed Trump’s nomination, did not believe he would win the election, and still aren’t convinced that he has any staying power.
Mr. Trump can take the headship of national opinion, calm the country, make a politically opportune pact with the Republican congressional leaders to put through tax changes and infrastructure improvements that will be popular with most Americans and spur economic growth, and take it from there.
But the madness must end, and the resumption of serious and effective government, after a lapse of many years, must resume, now. The president can do it, but only he can do it. His fine speech Monday night was encouraging. That’s what good presidents do for a living; they lead.
In the end, it appears that President Trump is serving for the match and the score is 30-Love. The old way of looking at things was that the Congress and the FNIC ran everything, including public opinion. The reality today is that Trump holds public opinion firmly in his grasp.
Perhaps, it’s time for the FNIC and the Congress to come to the other side and initiate an honest discussion.
Source: New York Sun
F**k you rich
And ya mom
Bob is the problem
Yes.its official
you’re a Fool. that’s all. give away your stuff please & video & post it so we can learn from your Teachings
Bob Stevenson as if! Insult is all you have.
Dawn Edwards I know I am thanks! 🙂
No happy with liver swing now I am suspicious. He has been a democrat all his life.
Go Trump!!
Update OFA:
An Obama-tied activist group training tens of thousands of agitators to protest President Trump’s policies plans to hit Republican lawmakers supporting those policies even harder this week, when they return home for the congressional recess and hold town hall meetings and other functions.
Organizing for Action, a group founded by former President Barack Obama and featured prominently on his new post-presidency website, is distributing a training manual to anti-Trump activists that advises them to bully GOP lawmakers into backing off support for repealing ObamaCare, curbing immigration from high-risk Islamic nations and building a border wall.
In a new Facebook post, OFA calls on activists to mobilize against Republicans from now until Feb. 26, when “representatives are going to be in their home districts.”
The protesters disrupted town halls earlier this month, including one held in Utah by House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, who was confronted by hundreds of angry demonstrators claiming to be his constituents.
The manual, published with OFA partner “Indivisible,” advises protesters to go into halls quietly so as not to raise alarms, and “grab seats at the front of the room but do not all sit together.” Rather, spread out in pairs to make it seem like the whole room opposes the Republican host’s positions. “This will help reinforce the impression of broad consensus.” It also urges them to ask “hostile” questions — while keeping “a firm hold on the mic” — and loudly boo the GOP politician if he isn’t “giving you real answers.”
“Express your concern [to the event’s hosts] they are giving a platform to pro-Trump authoritarianism, racism, and corruption,” it says.
The goal is to make Republicans, even from safe districts, second-guess their support for the Trump agenda, and to prime “the ground for the 2018 midterms when Democrats retake power.”
“Even the safest [Republican] will be deeply alarmed by signs of organized opposition,” the document states, “because these actions create the impression that they’re not connected to their district and not listening to their constituents.”
After the event, protesters are advised to feed video footage to local and national media.
“Unfavorable exchanges caught on video can be devastating” for Republican lawmakers, it says, when “shared through social media and picked up by local and national media.” After protesters gave MSNBC, CNN and the networks footage of their dust-up with Chaffetz, for example, the outlets ran them continuously, forcing Chaffetz to issue statements defending himself.
The manual also advises protesters to flood “Trump-friendly” lawmakers’ Hill offices with angry phone calls and emails demanding the resignation of top White House adviser Steve Bannon.
A script advises callers to complain: “I’m honestly scared that a known racist and anti-Semite will be working just feet from the Oval Office … It is everyone’s business if a man who promoted white supremacy is serving as an adviser to the president.”
The document provides no evidence to support such accusations.
Protesters, who may or may not be affiliated with OFA, are also storming district offices. Last week, GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher blamed a “mob” of anti-Trump activists for knocking unconscious a 71-year-old female staffer at his Southern California office. A video of the incident, showing a small crowd around an opening door, was less conclusive.
Separately, OFA, which is run by ex-Obama officials and staffers, plans to stage 400 rallies across 42 states this year to attack Trump and Republicans over ObamaCare’s repeal.
“This is a fight we can win,” OFA recently told its foot soldiers. “They’re starting to waver.”
On Thursday, Trump insisted he’s moving ahead with plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, which has ballooned health insurance premiums and deductibles. “ObamaCare is a disaster, folks,” he said, adding that activists protesting its repeal are hijacking GOP town halls and other events.
“They fill up our rallies with people that you wonder how they get there,” the president said. “But they’re not the Republican people that our representatives are representing.”
As The Post reported, OFA boasts more than 250 offices nationwide and more than 32,000 organizers, with another 25,000 actively under training. Since November, it’s beefed up staff and fundraising, though as a “social welfare” nonprofit, it does not have to reveal its donors.
These aren’t typical Black Lives Matter or Occupy Wall Street marchers, but rather professionally trained organizers who go through a six-week training program similar to the training — steeped in Alinsky agitation tactics — Obama received in Chicago when he was a community organizer.
Chicago socialist Saul Alinsky, known by the left as “the father of community organizing,” taught radicals to “rub raw the sores of discontent” and create the conditions for a “revolution.” He dedicated his book, “Rules for Radicals,” to “Lucifer.” Michelle Obama quoted from the book when she helped launch OFA in 2013.
Obama appears to be behind the anti-Trump protests. He praised recent demonstrations against Trump’s travel ban. And last year, after Trump’s upset victory, he personally rallied OFA troops to “protect” his legacy in a conference call. “Now is the time for some organizing,” he said. “So don’t mope” over the election results.
He promised OFA activists he would soon join them in the fray.
“Understand that I’m going to be constrained in what I do with all of you until I am again a private citizen, but that’s not so far off,” he said. “You’re going to see me early next year, and we’re going to be in a position where we can start cooking up all kinds of great stuff.”
Added the ex-president: “I promise you that next year Michelle and I are going to be right there with you, and the clouds are going to start parting, and we’re going to be busy. I’ve got all kinds of thoughts and ideas about it, but this isn’t the best time to share them.
“Point is, I’m still fired up and ready to go, and I hope that all of you are, as well.”
Filed under barack obama.