Trump Plans Heavy Limits on Immigrant’s Ability to Collect Welfare

This week, during Donald Trump’s weekly address, the president reiterated his plans to limit immigrants’ ability to collect welfare.  He wants them off the service for at least five years — and wants people who would be less likely to need the entitlements in the first place.

Just this week, we announced a historic immigration bill to create a merit-based Green Card system that ends the abuse of our welfare system, stops chain migration, and protects our workers and our economy… As an example, you cannot get welfare for five years when you come into our country. You cannot just come in like in past weeks, years, and decades, you come in immediately and start picking up welfare. For five years, you have to say you will not be asking or using our welfare systems.

Trump’s statements make sense, and immigrants are already limited, but his policies will likely take the ban even further.

Watch the address below:


Source: Daily Caller




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