Hillary Clinton, attempting to be relevant to the average American, has proved time and again that she significantly fails at relating. One issue that Hillary cannot get around is that she is a multi-millionaire, part of that proverbial “1% Club”, so hated by the left, yet she must relate in order to fit in with the lowly poor.
Donald Trump mentioned the book Clinton Cash, on Breitbart News Daily, with host Stephen K. Bannon, pointing out that the Clinton’s have a net worth greater than $100 million, making their claim that they can relate to normal Americans a farce.
Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich is the first of its kind, as it “meticulously scrutinized donations” that the Clinton Foundation received from both foreign individuals and foreign governments, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Truth and Action reported, Written by New York Times bestselling author, Breitbart News editor, and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer, the book was referred to as the “most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle,” according to the New York Times.
“I’m surprised it hasn’t been used by Sanders,” said Trump in the interview, pointing out that the way the Clintons got to this amount of money was partly due to their exorbitant speaking fees.
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Can’t wait for this. Trump will bring things to light even we haven’t heard of. GO TRUMP!
Hey David! Your recollection of Benghazi,
is even worse than your spelling of Benghazi!
Trump is going bury her with all of her demons, her corruption. I hope the hell he searches for all the families she murdered in the past and Bengazi, all the women who were raped by Bill and abused and tormented by Hillary and bring them to questioning right in front of her face. Make her answer and sweat. Clergy
Trump has a plethora of verifiable ammunition, in which to eviscerate this shameless, blackhearted monster!
However, when he challenges her, on the simplest of issues, Trump will immediately be labeled a SEXIST BULLY…
Trumps been a Republican Progressive since 1988. Pictured in National Covention of 1988 in Times Picayune. Why should he run for mentally impaired liberals. All they cause is strife. Not Trumps personality.
The fainting goat , as known around our house will more than likely have a medical issue which will prevent her from standing up for her traitorous actions…… Benghazi ????? Ring a bell.
Yea right just wait until the media comes out with his business!
Trump is Bill and Hillary’s lifelong friend and donor..I don’t think so!!
Trump on Bill and Hillary….
“I just like her, I like her husband. Her husband made a speech on Monday and was very well received. He is — he is a really good guy, and she’s a really good person and woman.”
What is trumps defense against Hillary….he supported her for years?…no thanks to the Don Con!!