With Iowa edging ever closer, the Republican field is clamoring to pick up a diverse set of endorsements to solidify their support among a broad set of voting conservatives.
Donald Trump — for his part — may be picking up more high-profile endorsements than any other in the GOP field, but they’re not coming from the establishment.
After picking up an endorsement from Sarah Palin just last week, Donald Trump has received nods from two more non-politician stars, Sheriff Joe Apaio and Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.
Both pickups serve key aspects of Donald Trump’s candidacy. Sheriff Joe has become a rock star to many for his high-profile fight against illegal immigration, and Falwell helps shore up Trump’s perceived shakiness amongst evangelical Christians.
With both endorsements under his belt, Trump’s primary success — once thought impossible — is looking more and more plausible by the day. Likely, even.
See the next page for both men’s endorsement of Trump:
O I forgot he hates pows
Muslims and Mexicans need to go back where they came from!!
Ben Carson is the candidate that T rump is pretending to be- not a politician, constitutional conservative, devout Christian, solid workable proposals with depth and substance, positions that Americans agree with—plus personal integrity, humility, wisdom, and character. no drama, no flip flopping, no personal attacks.
Not uniting. Manipulating all sides against the middle.
Buying new endorsements almost daily.
Not voting for Pinocchio.
Feel the Bern