With Iowa edging ever closer, the Republican field is clamoring to pick up a diverse set of endorsements to solidify their support among a broad set of voting conservatives.
Donald Trump — for his part — may be picking up more high-profile endorsements than any other in the GOP field, but they’re not coming from the establishment.
After picking up an endorsement from Sarah Palin just last week, Donald Trump has received nods from two more non-politician stars, Sheriff Joe Apaio and Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr.
Both pickups serve key aspects of Donald Trump’s candidacy. Sheriff Joe has become a rock star to many for his high-profile fight against illegal immigration, and Falwell helps shore up Trump’s perceived shakiness amongst evangelical Christians.
With both endorsements under his belt, Trump’s primary success — once thought impossible — is looking more and more plausible by the day. Likely, even.
See the next page for both men’s endorsement of Trump:
Well he failed to pick up the endorsement of the people who matter, the public
My face when Cruz pulling dirty tricks
“OBAMA’S FAULT”! Trump2016
Liberals, democrats and socialist actually DO want to be controlled. Either by a Hillary , who is sponsored by HUGE corporations, Saudis ( exporters of terrorists and sponsors of terrorism) , lobbyists or billionaires , like SOROS. OR , the left wants to be controlled by a BERNIE who wants a government so big and vast to take care of the people , all in the name of fairness. Candidates like Ben Carson and Donald Trump are not part of the establishment of Washington–they can’t be controlled and yet the left often talks in a sort of romantic way about being rebels against the “Man,” or against the “System ” or against the “establishment!” I just wonder when they changed their tune ? Now, they EMBRACE , the establishment and bow down to it and praise it ! I mean they ignore Ben Carson and now , the great powers of the rich and powerful are mobilizing to take all the anti-Establishment candidates out ! WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WANT !?!? The so-called elite and powerful know EXACTLY what they want ! DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GET THE CANDIDATE THAT HAS EVERYTHING TO TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK !!! It Ain’t Cruz ! Just take a good long look at his face –it ain’t there! Harvard slick talken lawyer ! Does America need another slick talken Harvard lawyer !?
All I hear from Trump is ” build a wall “. Illegals only come here because American employers hire them. Until American employers are prosecuted for hiring illegals, they will keep coming. No jobs waiting for them, no incentive to come here. A wall and / or mass deportation won’t solve the problem.
Punctuation is important.
#Absolutely Trump for president
Will Collins you laughing at him as the clear choice is what’s funny why don’t you do some real research and compare the two budget plans, tax plans education plans and health care plans then you can laugh if it’s still funny then
Trump is the man of the people he knows we are a nation of immigrants and he stands for Americans first no matter what your color or religion which will bring the country back togather