Sheriff Joe Apaio / Jerry Falwell Jr.
Donald Trump may have just picked up a endorsement by Sarah Palin last week, but his victory lap over Ted Cruz has net the frontrunner two other, conservative powerhouses as well.
The first came from Sheriff Joe Apraio:
“I have great respect for Sheriff Arpaio. We must restore law and order and respect the men and women of our police forces. I thank him for his support of my policies and candidacy for President,” Trump said in a statement.
In another statement, Arpaio praised Trump as a “leader” who “produces results and is ready to get tough in order to protect American jobs and families.”“I have fought on the front lines to prevent illegal immigration and I know Donald Trump will stand with me, and countless Americans, to secure our border. I am proud to support him as the best candidate for President of the United States of America,” he added.News of the endorsement was first reported by The New York Times.
The other came from Liberty University President Jerry Farwell Jr., a persuasive voice in the evangelical community.
Falwell said Trump is “a successful executive and entrepreneur, a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again.”
The Washington Post reports the endorsement represents: “the blessing of one of the evangelical community’s biggest names just days before the Iowa caucuses.”
Donald Trump is raking them in lately, and from meaningful people as well. It just goes to show how far Donald Trump has come in convincing conservative America that he is their man.
Donald Trump telling a crowd he is going to keep common core.
The Ovomit government will do anything to see Trump lose. And we the American people will do anything to get this muslim president out of office. The Demoncrats are terrified of him, no more business as usual, no more stomping on the Constitution, no more muslims and blm thugs being invited to the White House, the American flags will be rehung in the White House. Corruption will be investigated and prosecuted, Ovomits muslim friends in the government will lose their jobs. Yea their scared alright, no other candidate is as strong a presence as Trump. For the life of America vote Trump
Agree Joyce Caterino