Last night’s cruise missile strike on a Syrian air base ordered by resident Donald Trump has generated both cheers around the globe and voices of concern from many long-time supporters.
In reaction to the recent sarin gas attack on Syrian civilians, President Trump ordered the first significant military action of his presidency. It provided a sharp contrast with the weakness displayed by President Barack Obama under similar circumstances in 2013, when he drew his infamous “red line” and then did nothing.
NeverTrump critics John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Bill Kristol applauded the President’s action, which even gained support from his prime Democrat adversaries, Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
But the most surprising news is the hostile reaction from some of Trump’s most vocal supporters, both in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Find out which backers have found great fault with the military action on the next page.
The gas attack on innocent people in Syria was a test for our President. Reacted swiftly and reasonably. Assad is making people leave Syria and causing great disruption around the world including our country. I am proud of President Trump.
I Support President Trump Decision To Bomb Syria ,They Shouldn’t Have Used Gas On Civilians ! Don’t Care Who You Are !
I stand with Trump! This was more then about just Syria!
Give Trump time he is going to do the right thing…he’s only been on the job a little over 3 Months! Give him time!
I think the world is ready to go to war over the destruction of weapons of mass destruction. Wait until these war lords in Mexico start sneaking those weapons across or under OUR borders then those damn cry babies will shut the hell up! Oh hell wait until we strike Korea this month.
Who cares what Paul Watson thinks?
What the hell is wrong with AnnCoulters face! She looks like on drugs drunk or plain old??
Sandy Shaffer and you are a food to keep on this no brainer that you libs were the ones who started this russia nonsense to hid the fact of what you did. don’t you think if he was in bed with russia when OBAMA ILLEGALLY WIRETAPPED HIM that he would have been brought up on charges… DUH use your damn head for something besides a coat rack
Jared Martin so once again what would you have done were you trump… here are the options since obama and hillary created this damn mess.. option one.. keep backing off the red line obama drew and time and time again more innocent babies are murdered while Putin is laughing in the background that america is still become a weak country letting people mock them.. option 2 send a warning to Assad, Putin, Iran and the rest of them that NO! America is not the coward you take it to be and you now have someone who is not afraid of you ..Stop your nonsense and fight Isis. which was the original plan when obama started helping you.. The only other option is to bring every damn asset we have out of syria (our intel our advisors) and let Isis conquer another country and as they move on and take all the western countries they will keep moving on just like$#%&!@*. So Once again. It’s easy to sit on the sofa and give out what not to do . We want to hear what to do from you. what would you do (hypothesis) since you are the leader and have all the facts.IMO from Trump to go from “not let’s start WWIII with interfering with Syria” (before presidency) to actually sending missiles,he must have had some intel that none of us in here know. now that is my sofa opinion for the day..
Gary Gauthier that was already done with obama and when Hillary was SOS and see how that went. made a bigger mess…
Sandy Shaffer You have a ruler who is serving Russia and Iran instead of his own people. who are you referring to. that sounds like Obama and he still has his hands in the cookie jar.