Last night’s cruise missile strike on a Syrian air base ordered by resident Donald Trump has generated both cheers around the globe and voices of concern from many long-time supporters.
In reaction to the recent sarin gas attack on Syrian civilians, President Trump ordered the first significant military action of his presidency. It provided a sharp contrast with the weakness displayed by President Barack Obama under similar circumstances in 2013, when he drew his infamous “red line” and then did nothing.
NeverTrump critics John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Bill Kristol applauded the President’s action, which even gained support from his prime Democrat adversaries, Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
But the most surprising news is the hostile reaction from some of Trump’s most vocal supporters, both in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Find out which backers have found great fault with the military action on the next page.
Standing with TRUMP
Back 1991 Bush Sr. stage a war by having an ambassador’s daughter lie about babies pulled out from their crib. The news reporters are reporting f**e news as they are doing now. In 2001 Bush jr. stage a plan to destroy the twin towers with his brother Marvin’s help using thermite. In 2014, Obama stage a RED LINE for Assad in Syria not to cross. ISIS bombed Syria using chemical weapons killing the civilians and the Media blamed Assad. The world believed the media. Obama did not do anything about his REDLINE THING. Now, they are TESTING TRUMP. The world and America are testing Trump. This year 2017, the Elites Establishment SECRET SOCIETY stage the war against Assad using chemical weapons again. The Media and the world blamed Assad again. Now, seeing that the world and SOME Americans are testing Trump in everything and every move he makes. …is he going to be like Obama and do nothing or is he to do something about Syria and let the world and America see the Trump in action “THE DONALD WAY”. Knowing that the Elites society are hungry for WAR, they would have wished for Trump to bomb Syria which he did and that would have started a war. But GOD has another way of doing things and war is not yet.
Jared Martin word is it was ISIS who set the gas off. Whether it was Assad or ISIS those chemicals needed to be bombed the hell out of existence. See word is ISIS would love to bring those chemicals through Mexico here in the US to use it on us. Why do u think the runways were not bombed? They are still able to fight ISIS. Bam. ISIS kill their own everyday. They are desperate they are smart. Trump and his team know this.
Steven Shoemaker Assad is bad but ISIS alcaida hamas worse.
Screw’em, they weren’t supporters anyway.
Very surprising never thought ann coulter would be in opposition to this , really suprised!
He said he wasn’t affeaid to use the military. Why is this a surprise? I don’t understand the issue. Besides the misled were old we needed to see if they still
I trust Trump that is why I voted for him
A lot of people need to grow the f#%k up