Last night’s cruise missile strike on a Syrian air base ordered by resident Donald Trump has generated both cheers around the globe and voices of concern from many long-time supporters.
In reaction to the recent sarin gas attack on Syrian civilians, President Trump ordered the first significant military action of his presidency. It provided a sharp contrast with the weakness displayed by President Barack Obama under similar circumstances in 2013, when he drew his infamous “red line” and then did nothing.
NeverTrump critics John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Bill Kristol applauded the President’s action, which even gained support from his prime Democrat adversaries, Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
But the most surprising news is the hostile reaction from some of Trump’s most vocal supporters, both in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Find out which backers have found great fault with the military action on the next page.
If they turn on you now.they would turn on you later ! If they are truly with you they are with you all the way not just sometimes do what they want you dint.need flip flopers. ! You did it right don’t second guess.yourself your.backers don’t!! GOD.BLESS. OUR PRESIDENT !
He did what he had to do.
Suck it up buttercups
And you were there for all the Intel briefings and were briefed right along with the president right????? Get out of town , you are an important fellow!
Every one of these people were for killing Muslim’s. Trump killed some Assad kills some, Russia kills some.. I’m not seeing the down side. Just winning!
I don’t claim to be important. Where’s the evidence of sarin? There is none. And I stand by my statement that video put out by the rebels was laughable. Syria is in the way of a power struggle over gas, that’s all. What about the original plan to “bomb the hell out of ISIS”?
We don’t care
looks like he cant win! do or do nothing he is wrong. I vote for action and Pres. Trump
Liberal Americans are bent, but what’s new, right? As for foreign countries, the overwhelming majority were Pro-Trump.
“President Assad bears sole responsibility for this development,” declared German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande in a joint statement Friday. “His repeated use of chemical weapons and his crimes against his own population had to be sanctioned.”
“The action Trump ordered tonight was a response to a war crime,” said Italian Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, “a war crime under the responsibility of Bashar Al Assad.”
“Italy understands the reasons for U.S. military action proportionate in time and manner,” said Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano,
And it wasn’t just European leaders. All over the world, praise was coming in for the president’s actions:
“Israel fully supports President Trump’s decision and hopes that this message of resolve in the face of the Assad regime’s horrific actions will resonate not only in Damascus, but in Tehran, Pyongyang and elsewhere,” Netanyahu said.
Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull said his government fully supported the strike, called the move a “swift and just response.”