Last night’s cruise missile strike on a Syrian air base ordered by resident Donald Trump has generated both cheers around the globe and voices of concern from many long-time supporters.
In reaction to the recent sarin gas attack on Syrian civilians, President Trump ordered the first significant military action of his presidency. It provided a sharp contrast with the weakness displayed by President Barack Obama under similar circumstances in 2013, when he drew his infamous “red line” and then did nothing.
NeverTrump critics John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Bill Kristol applauded the President’s action, which even gained support from his prime Democrat adversaries, Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.
But the most surprising news is the hostile reaction from some of Trump’s most vocal supporters, both in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Find out which backers have found great fault with the military action on the next page.
I’m fine with a strategic air strike . I wouldn’t be ok with regime change and nation building
Ronnie Zappola something i just came across .. Interesting that this doesn’t seem to make MSM either but if it was white supremacist it would be on tv 24-7. should make many people nervous….
This is the very reason there is a problem in Middle East,no one has had the guts to do anything other than talk,Obama proves his worthlessness as each day passes and the Bushes weren’t any better,Like it or not “Trump ” is our last effort ,this Enemy only understands (Brute Force.)
We do not want any Muslims in our country this is a fact . But to watch innocent people killed for no reason must be taught a lesson and Trump did it thank you Trump
I say kill them all and let God sort them out.
Who cares. Get on the train before we leave you behind.
Who cares