Trump, on the Hugh Hewitt show, said that Obama is the founder of ISIS, the most valuable player, “I give him the most valuable player award.”
Hewitt responded that Obama is “not sympathetic to them, he hates them, he’s trying to kill them”. Yet Trump retorted that Obama is the founder based on how “he got us out of Iraq, that was the founding of ISIS.”
Trump is not far off, as Obama has surrounded himself with those who have sympathized with Hamas. Rob Malley, once an official in the Obama administration, was fired many years ago for meeting with leaders of international terrorist organization Hamas.
Well apparently meeting with known, international terrorists isn’t enough to keep you out of the Obama administration, because he’s back, and his role is as ironic as it is troubling.
His new position within the government is a Czar in charge of combating ISIS. Strange, don’t you think?
View the video and read more about Obama’s MVP status with ISIS on the next page.
Hello there and how are you? I’ll love to be a friend, can you add me please?
It’s the Truth,president Jihads Failed Foriegn Policy Created ISIS and he’s been Supporting them Ever Since!!!! Maybe he’ll wear a bomb vest on the way out of Our Whitehouse!!!!
Obama and Hillary supplied most of the weapons, training and funding to ISIS: Trump says Pres Obama is the “founder of ISIS”. Lt Col Oliver North: “there is no doubt in my mind… if Obama had kept his word about the Syrian civil war… ISIS would not exist.
More than 147.539 Americans have watched this video before it was taken down the first time:
Obama is a good man, but Trump is the one to make the USA stronger and clean , it doesnt matter the money, what matters in America is the people that are going there, and the families, may God bless that land for its civilians specially women they are the best and sweet for me they all love me
This might be one of the most shockingly eye-opening confessions I’ve ever heard a politican make. And it’s not from some low level staffer or some wannabe political junkie, it’s from the President of Russia – Valdimir Putin.
We first learned through Hillary’s leaked e-mails that Obama’s horrid foreign policy was actually responsible for the creation and arming of ISIS. But he and Hillary either tried to dodge and/or deny.
During a press conference, Putin fielded a question from a US journalist regarding ISIS and just it just sparked something in him. He’s had enough. He exposes everything, and leaves it out in the open. Another threat that President Obama mentioned was ISIS.
Well who on earth armed them? Who armed the Syrians that were fighting with Assad? Who created the necessary political/informational climate that facilitated this situation? Who pushed for the delivery of arms to the area?
Do you really not understand as to who is fighting in Syria? They are mercenaries, mostly. Do you understand they are paid money? Mercenaries fight for whichever side pays more. So they arm them and pay them a certain amount. I even know what these amounts are. So they fight, they have the arms, you can’t get them return the weapons of course, at the end … Then they discover elsewhere pays a little more … So they go fight there. Then they occupy the oil fields. Wherever; in Iraq, in Syria. They start extracting the oil – and this oil is purchased by somebody. So, there it is folks. Obama and Hillary’s policies have endangered the lives of people all across the world with the formation of ISIS.
Only an IDIOT would NOT know what he meant 🙂
Obama has done more to openly promote terrorism than anyone ever!
I agree with Mr. Trump!
Just copied this from a post I read, not mine, but quite interesting. Jason Stapleton wrote: Don’t believe the media polls people! POLLS ARE MEDIA HOGWASH! From an independent pollster (Rick Poole-Arizona) We have just completed our own poll since we cannot get factual information from the mainstream media!! We called 1000 homes in each of the 50 states and asked basic questions on the economy, terrorism, immigration and presidential pick. Economy was the number one factor that Americans are concerned about and terrorism was number two. Presidential pick was Trump by a large percentage.
Trump 33478 votes 67%
Clinton 9788 Votes 19%
Undecided or other 6739 votes 13%
My friends and I are all Graduate students from all walks of life we meet to discuss stuff. 13 people who like and have served in the Military. It took us most of two weeks to be sure our calls were to all people and not just one party or an other we called Americans.. our poll is by taking registered voter lists and we accumulated 33% repub, 33% dems and 34% ind.. our poll consisted of 1000 calls per state. all 50 states. 50,000 people are in this poll not the 100 like other polls
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Like · Reply · Yesterday at 2:40pm
Joseph Campman
Joseph Campman Progressive & Fabian Socialist thinking
Proving just that, let me present you with a list of things I learned from my friends on the left.
Gender is an arbitrary societal construct, but Hillary must be elected because we need a female president.
Gay marriage and abortion are in the constitution, while the right to bear arms is not.
My opinion as a woman only matters if I’m a Democrat
A man can never understand a woman’s perspective on abortion, but he can become a woman.
If two people want to get married, it’s none of your business. However, if two consenting adults agree to a wage for services, it is your business how much said wage should be.
You’re too old and too white to run for office … unless you’re a Democrat.
Death penalty for babies is part of women’s rights. Death penalty for sadistic murders is abhorrent.
Global warming is “settled science,” but a fetus is not alive.
Tolerance is a one-way street with liberals deciding the direction.
Christians are out of line for saying homosexuality is a sin, but Muslims throwing homosexuals to their deaths off of buildings are just practicing their peaceful religion.
If you want it, you’re entitled to it.
If I am losing a debate strictly on facts, I can call my opponent a racist or a bigot and the debate is over because I win.
If Christians would just learn to coexist with the peaceful Muslims, they wouldn’t be beheaded… It’s the Christians’ fault because — Crusades!
Gay marriage will have zero impact on you … Now bake a gay wedding cake or qget sued for all you have worked for.
The Bible is completely irrelevant and absolutely false … until someone hurts their feelings. Then, God is love, and, “Judge Not.”
Science is king … except for that one lesson in biology regarding identifying sex as male or female. That’s not accurate at all.
Koch brothers = evil corporate interests; George Soros = benevolent donor.
The religion of preference is Islam. The favorite special interest group is the LGBT community… It does not matter that support of the first would result in the eradication of the other.
Gender is fluid; climate is not.
Life begins when they say, and chromosomes don’t matter.
Atheists, who claim God does not exist, believe He will be the end of civilization if we worship Him.
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 2:47pm
Joseph Campman
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Joseph Campman
Joseph Campman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the co-chair of Hillary’s 2008 presidential run, where she lost the nomination to Obama. So, in order to lock down the nomination for 2016, Hillary would’ve had to put Schultz in charge of the DNC and manipulate it from within.
In order for this corruption scheme to work, the Clintons would have needed first to, not only get the current DNC chair at the time to step down, but also get them to recommend Schultz for the position. A big request. And the Clintons would have likely needed to promise a powerful favor to that DNC chair, something more prestigious than being head of the Democratic party.
So who was that person and what did they get in return?
The previous chair of the DNC prior to Debbie Wasserman Schultz was…
Tim Kaine.
Let that sink in for a moment …
Like · Reply · Yesterday at 3:10pm
Joseph Campman
Joseph Campman ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, Obama’s National Security Adviser.2) CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.3) ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Obama Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney.4) ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.5) ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood.6) CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.Etc… etc… Get the picture?
Like · Reply · 21 hrs
Joseph Campman
Joseph Campman on the teachings of Saul Alinsky a communist socialist died about 43 years ago, but his writings have influenced the politicians who control our nation today.
Hillary Clinton did a college thesis on his writings and Barack Hussein Obama writes about him in his books.
Died: June 12, 1972,
Carmel-by-the-Sea, Ca
Education: University of Chicago
Spouse: Irene Alinsky.
Rules for Liberal Radicals
Reveille for Radicals
Anyone think this stuff isn’t happening today in the U.S. ?
All eight rules are currently in play.
There are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a Liberal Socialist state.
The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare: Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty: Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt: Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control: Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare: Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
6) Education: Take control of what people read and listen to. Take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion: Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8) Class Warfare: Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Any of this sound like what is happening to the United States?
Alinsky simplified Vladimir Lenin’s original scheme for world conquest by communism, under Russian rule.
Stalin described his converts as “Useful Idiots.”
The “Useful” Liberal Idiots have destroyed every nation in which they have seized power and control. It’s presently happening at an alarming rate in the U.S.
If people can read this and still say everything is just fine. They’re the useful idiots. “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”
Wake Up America!
Hillary Clinton a liberal Socialist is running for office! She is backed by
George Soros a Communist Socialist who backs and controls the
Devout Muslim,
“Barack Hussein Obama