Big-name celebrities and media outlets that spent the past couple years bashing Donald Trump and his presidential bid are now paying a hefty price.
Observers often wondered why these self-absorbed losers would put partisan politics ahead of the best interest of their business. Now that Donald Trump is firmly ensconced in the White House, they’re learning the pendulum can swing the other way.
Going out of your way to insult and belittle half your potential audience is just plain stupid. It’s about as stupid as Hillary Clinton referring to Trump supporters as “deplorables.”
Learn which so-called stars and media outlets are taking a beating on the next page.
The smart “snowflakes” never mention politics and they are the ones that will survive!
You people stick to your old trump family vacation videos the only entertainment you have lmfao gullible idiots
no he isn’t they did that all by themselves
They need to be killed off.
Your to Damn stupid for your own good. Go back to the basement and shut up moron. You are not only ignorant your also unintelligent. Must suck to be as worthless as you are.
Please please let’s clean up Hollywood and our Government. We need good people making good movies like Ron Howard. President Trump is stopping Human Trafficking in both places.
Movie Stars, Mainstream Media,Sports Stars and Music Stars will suffer when they make public their bashing of trump! Trump is a counter puncher and usually hits harder!
Holly weird has done it themselves !
Ron Howard is as left as you can get
Ron Howard is a leftist puppet