Donald Trump and Ted Cruz’s intense bickering reached nuclear levels this week.
When an anti-Trump super pac — unaffiliated with Cruz, according to Ted — used a scandalous photo of Trump’s wife in an ad blasting her worthiness to be First Lady, Donald responded — by firing back directly at “Lyin’ Ted.” He did so with an ominous threat to “spill the beans” on Ted’s wife, Heidi Cruz.
He then seemed to relent — in a very Trump way — claiming there was no need to “spill the beans.” Instead, he simply paired the comment with an incredibly unflattering photo of Heidi next to a very glamorous-looking Melania.
Until this moment, one of Ted’s biggest assets has been his ability to stay above the fray of personal attacks from Trump. No more. He took directly to reporters, angrily demanding that Trump leave Heidi “the hell alone.”
Trump then accused Cruz of knowing exactly what was going on.
Trump’s team doesn’t seem to care, however, and is letting loose on Heidi Cruz in spite of Cruz’s demands, and have taken to TV to “spill the beans” once and for all.
To see Trump aide Katrina Pierson do just that continue reading on the next page. It’s likely not what you were expecting:
Leave the wives out it; they aren’t the ones running for office!!!!!!
He’s 100 percent correct !
There are no beans to spill on Heidi Cruz. She was ill in her life. She is a brilliant Harvard graduate, who has had many great jobs. She worked for a great Secretary of State, Rice. She had a job at Goldman Sachs. These are all honest prestigious jobs. She is a good Christian wife and mother, who is supporting her great husband in an effort to restore our great country. Trump was entirely responsible for this mess as he always is. That photo of his wife has been on the net for months, Cruz said he had a lovely wife. Then Cruz stood up for his wife against an ignorant coward, and bully. The National Enquirer is owned by a good friend of Donald Trump. Trump is disgusting. He can’t attack Cruz himself, because he is superior to him in every way. Trump owes money to Goldman Sachs himself as well as Soros. He is a womanizing lying old fool. American women will never vote for this fraud.
Anybody who still supports Cruz, supports the NWO.
Cruz seems to have forgotten he threw the first stone…Donald Trump has done nothing but defend himself. VOTE Donald J. Trump
Keep it up you damn fools. Hillary is laughing all the way to the office of the POTUS.
t*t-for tat
Carly started it and she backs cruiz