On Tuesday, presidential candidate Donald Trump had Univision journalist Jorge Ramos, escorted from a press conference after Ramos demanded that Trump take up his questions out of turn.
“You haven’t been called…go back to Univision,” Trump told Ramos before a security guard removed him. Later, Ramos was permitted to return and ask Trump questions.
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people, don’t you ever get tired of the race c**p, skin color is only skin deep. Integrity and honesty goes all the way through.
truth be told, Trump did not kick anyone out, when the fool journalist started acting like a fool security $#%&!@*ed him out on their own. As usual the media twist’s things
Dude wanted a confrontation and trump wouldn’t give it to him.. I think he handled it perfectly fine..
Ramos .. Started running his pie hole before Trump even got up to the podium. And isn’t it funny ? His daughter works for Hillary Clinton ? Go figure !
Ronny it has nothing do with him being latino, or if he was black or white. He was out of line, and if you think white americans are against latinos then youre wrong, we want people to come here legally like our ancestors did and people to respect America and our cons$#%&!@*ution
Why should anyone give someone a great detailed plan in a question and answer session. Trump has been talking about this when he first started thinking on become running. PAY attention,read. Ask questions that need to be answered about all topics not just a wall that is going to be built>>
Well I personally like to see that kind of journalism from Mr . Ramos down in Mexico City about corruption and civil rights . Then I might respect him a little .
Good he needs to learn manners!!
1. Trump didn’t call on you, you spoke out of turn.
2. You weren’t “asking questions.” You were ranting off a list of anti-Trump declarations.
3. You were behaving in a belligerent and obnoxious manner.
4. You’re lucky Trump was gracious enough to allow you back in.
5. After you were allowed back in, Trump took all of your questions. Even though you continued to speak over him, Trump destroyed every single one of your nonsensical points.
Trump does not tolerate disobedient reporters who have little patience ever heard this who are last are first and those who are first shall be last? Ramos want to the end of the line in his actions and disrespect