Donald Trump’s foreign policy is starting to take shape, and its a radical departure from Barack Obama’s.
And it should be. Obama’s foreign policy record is riddled with failure. His administration gave rise to ISIS by failing to negotiate a status of forces agreement in Iraq. The administration’s “Russian reset” had the opposite of the intended effect. Instead of improved relations between the United States and Russia, tensions between the two countries have grown. And Obama’s record fighting ISIS might be his worst failure yet. He underestimated their strength and let them grow into the biggest terror organization the world has ever seen.
Donald Trump has a lot of work on his hands, and he seems to be beginning with his own “Russian reset.” Unlike that of his predecessor, Trump’s “reset” might unite the two countries in the war against ISIS.
See how the Trump administration plans to work with Russia in Syria on the next page:
Just drag them nasty$#%&!@*muslims out of America and we wont have to attack anyone throw them nasty people to fight for their own country instead of trying to start war over hereAmerica don’t need child rapist nor do we need their sharia law cutting little girls clits out in our country I see this$#%&!@*someone is going to die I see someone raping a child they will die for their trouble
Assad is not our problem right now, Isis is.
Why are we going after him? They went after him for the one world order.
We need to join forces with Russia and complely eradicate Islamic terrorism!
Destroy ISIS then retreat .
The Turkish planes, part of NATO, are attacking the Kurd ground forces, who are supported by the USA, also part of NATO. If the US and UK planes pull out, Russia and Syria will be able to stop the Turkish planes, after all Turkey shot a Russian one down a few months ago..
Kevin Hahn, don’t you see that obummer COULDN’T open up drilling rights on our own land? That would have been inexcusable!!! It might have actually made us ENERGY INDEPENDENT!!! To obummer, that was an impossibility!!!
Russia is not the problem