Donald Trump’s foreign policy is starting to take shape, and its a radical departure from Barack Obama’s.
And it should be. Obama’s foreign policy record is riddled with failure. His administration gave rise to ISIS by failing to negotiate a status of forces agreement in Iraq. The administration’s “Russian reset” had the opposite of the intended effect. Instead of improved relations between the United States and Russia, tensions between the two countries have grown. And Obama’s record fighting ISIS might be his worst failure yet. He underestimated their strength and let them grow into the biggest terror organization the world has ever seen.
Donald Trump has a lot of work on his hands, and he seems to be beginning with his own “Russian reset.” Unlike that of his predecessor, Trump’s “reset” might unite the two countries in the war against ISIS.
See how the Trump administration plans to work with Russia in Syria on the next page:
Bring them home. Stop the empires expansion. Live and let live!
I fail to understand why Aleppo is so important to the well being of America. Who cares who owns it? What difference does it make?
Everything he will do has to be opposite the muslim terrorist in the white house. We want America back.
It’s all about a Rothschilds central bank.
Follow Cheri Noite, she’s an American expat reporter in the area and providing the right perspective not found even on FN… We are not terrorists in the area as that is what the press and the WH conversation has been, ISIS has been the problem and the MSM have been ignoring much of that, especially in Aleppo.
Leave Syria alone sen back the refugees back let them fight and decided what they want, get all the Christians out of there and let it fall where it will fall! Simple solution! Not our problem we have enough to deal with!
Obama and Clinton won’t let them figure it out. The UN said before we even went over there that Assad wasn’t the problem, that he treated everyone equally. That is what the radical Islamists that are attacking them don’t like! We’ve been supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS over there and arming them! That is why Russia stepped in, they are friends with Assad, that is why the Muslim Brotherhood was not happy about Trump being elected!
Trump is the right choice at the right time to be president. America got this one right!
We don’t need to fight Assad. Leave Syria alone.