According to a new poll done by SurveyUSA, 25% of black respondents said they would vote for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. Yes, that’s good news, but let’s not start celebrating a for sure victory just yet. Statistics show that in the 2012 elections, Obama got 93% of the black vote, which made up a total of 13% of the electorate. While 25% is still a pretty large number, there’s still a ways to go. And this shows a definitive break down in support for the left.
Read which republican has the highest black vote share on the next page.
That’s America voting!
It has nothing to do with race, religion, or political party preference, it has everything to do with individuals who are intelligent enough to see how weak our country has become and realizing who has our best interest at heart! Trump is standing up for America amd it’s citizens! He is standing up for our veterans, and our rights as American citizens! He will make our economy strong, our armed forces strong, he will protect our best interests rather than screw us over so as to be viewed as politically correct! He will unite us and make this once great nation great again. Love him or hate him, he is our only chance to recover from the devastation inflicted upon us by the Obama administration. Anyone who can not see that, needs to pull their head out of the sand! When a football team selects a coach, they do not worry about how many people will like him, they choose who can lead the team to the championship game, Trump is our coach, lets let him lead us to the championship game!
lol, someone is apparently uneducated and had a mother who failed to teach him any decency! If my son ever spoke so ignorantly George, I would be disgusted and ashamed of the man he was! Thankfully my son has a mother who did her job correctly and he was raised with common decency and sense! To bad your mpther can not say the same.
Because they know he will bring jobs and prosperity and respect to the black community.
common sense is common sense no matter what your skin color.
This is for America not race!!!
Yo$#%&!@* i be votin fo dat trump$#%&!@*fool. Thats something you wont be hearing a whole lot of. I call shenanigans
Trump see’s no color he see’s success.
The African American people are NOT as Stupid as the Democrats want you to believe.