According to a new poll done by SurveyUSA, 25% of black respondents said they would vote for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. Yes, that’s good news, but let’s not start celebrating a for sure victory just yet. Statistics show that in the 2012 elections, Obama got 93% of the black vote, which made up a total of 13% of the electorate. While 25% is still a pretty large number, there’s still a ways to go. And this shows a definitive break down in support for the left.
Read which republican has the highest black vote share on the next page.
if voteing worked it would be illegal. vloride, tel-a-vision etc etc works. always the same face just a different mask…
And Latinas tambien!
No truth is the truth everyone knows it
They’re tired of politicians too.
Black people can do math too. Trumps the only Candidate that can balance a budget
TRUMP is not politician ;in reality he is a true business man. Black American need jobs in their country it’s a reality.
#Donald Trump
Yes, I am a very Proud Female Supporting and VOTING for TRUMP 2016 for PRESIDENT!!!!!
Donald J. Trump !!!!!
Trump 2016