According to a new poll done by SurveyUSA, 25% of black respondents said they would vote for Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. Yes, that’s good news, but let’s not start celebrating a for sure victory just yet. Statistics show that in the 2012 elections, Obama got 93% of the black vote, which made up a total of 13% of the electorate. While 25% is still a pretty large number, there’s still a ways to go. And this shows a definitive break down in support for the left.
Read which republican has the highest black vote share on the next page.
That he gets any at all is amazing.
hope more of them see the demograps arn’t their friends
Im not surprised, black Americans need jobs in the city, which obama has denied. And immigration is one of the worst things for black Americans
Black people in america is so stupid, brainwashed, an blind, they are so easily deceived..
Donald Trump our next President God Willing!
There are many more smart educated blacks than stupid liberals.
It’s not shocking at all! Black unemployment at an all time high. Black incarceration numbers at an all time high. The administration can’t do enough for illegal aliens . The inner cities are falling apart but everyone on the democrat & many in the GOP want amnesty ? Trump should be beacon of REAL hope.
There are stupid people in every race. Im not surprised.
Maybe they finally see the democratic party was holding them down.
Hopefully Black people will wake up and realize that NOTHING has been done by the Democrats to better the black communnities for 40 years. A few handouts does not change a community for the better !