As he does so skillfully, The Donald reversed the question and deflected it away to rival Hillary. Republican front-runner Donald Trump said on Monday that his Democratic counterpart, Hillary Clinton, is responsible for questions about President Obama’s birthplace.
Trump noted on “Fox and Friends” that Clinton strongly implied during the 2008 presidential election that Obama was a foreigner.
“People should go back and look at Hillary’s relationship with Obama when they ran against each other in 2008,” he said.
See what he is talking about on the next page:
Trump is still finding many many things about O’bama’s birth certificate in Hawaii! Ha Ha Ha!
Great name for the little Wiessel!
What treason!
I’m so glad the Republicans are so honest! We’re so lucky!
My God does not think like him. Not good for him. Hell is going to hurt.
vote trump to send illegal mexicans and other illegal criminals home
No one said Republicans are so honest.
I wonder if OLD hillary the LIAR’S favorite song is “Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap” by AC/DC. That’s the best thing I will EVER say about OLD hillary the LIAR.
In TRUMP I TRUST for President 2016!!!!! 🙂
Trump 2016 take back our WH make America great again