From the moment Donald Trump got elected, the left has been trying to figure out how to get rid of him. Now, the New Yorker thinks they’ve come across a workable plan.
Of course, the left’s plan to dispose of Trump is nothing new. California Representative Maxine Waters has basically made firing Trump her only goal for the last several months. She’s done everything from accuse Trump of collusion with Russia over the “Crooked Hillary nickname to criticizing Trump for being complicit in Putin’s invasion of Korea — something that never happened. In short, Waters has vowed to lead Trump “right into impeachment.”
In order to remove Trump from office, ‘many’ are willing to invoke the 25th amendment. The New Yorker certainly hopes this will happen, and they’ve written a piece explaining the process.
Read the New Yorker’s article next page:
Thats bill clintons buddy…orgy island…trump never went there…you are wishing
Oh yeah they are in the same club . It’s voters like us that are not
Yup look up how many different government agencies made that deal she was a very small fry in that deal lol what your told to use as a cute talking point is nothing at all … gees read sometime people
All you do is copy occupy dumbocrats f**e news…jobs report excellent…wall street x cellent…unemployment down 4.4 %…tax break coming..illegal crossings down 70%….stfu
No that’s not what I copied . And we are still under o s economic policy’s or the very few the red congress let him do . Trump has not done any yet he is way to busy pushing broken war struck people looking to come here and his golf game as he still worries about the low low numbers he has . It’s hard to fool people every day
Mean while in orangeville
On the House Intel Committee, the U.S. intelligence community would have customarily shown the most sensitive Trump-Russia evidence only to the chair and ranking member. That is of course Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff, respectively. Or at least it was, before Nunes tried so hard to tamper in the investigation that he was forced to step away from it while he sorts through ethics charges.
Trump did 29 excecutive orders to get rid of obamas socialism chokehold…obamas has nothing to do with economy..
Occupy dumbocrats f**e news
No sorry but they are better then brietbarf info war hannity paid actors
He changed nothing for any working person in America and never will