From the moment Donald Trump got elected, the left has been trying to figure out how to get rid of him. Now, the New Yorker thinks they’ve come across a workable plan.
Of course, the left’s plan to dispose of Trump is nothing new. California Representative Maxine Waters has basically made firing Trump her only goal for the last several months. She’s done everything from accuse Trump of collusion with Russia over the “Crooked Hillary nickname to criticizing Trump for being complicit in Putin’s invasion of Korea — something that never happened. In short, Waters has vowed to lead Trump “right into impeachment.”
In order to remove Trump from office, ‘many’ are willing to invoke the 25th amendment. The New Yorker certainly hopes this will happen, and they’ve written a piece explaining the process.
Read the New Yorker’s article next page:
no way
Yup we wpuld have been much better under killary and open borders,see how good Europe is doing,muslims taking pver the country.
Get a life! What a waste of time, unless you have nothing better to do!
maybe we should be firing them for not doing their jobs but running after a day dream they are all having must be some strong$#%&!@*kool aid
If there was anything illegal that connected Trump and the Russians ,Obamas surveillance would have uncovered it already. These libertards are reaching for something that’s not there..
That old guy to the right looks like a thoroughbred criminal. the New Yorker bit the dust long ago.
You lie you scum sucking liberal.
The new yorker is another dish rag to throw in the trash.