From the moment Donald Trump got elected, the left has been trying to figure out how to get rid of him. Now, the New Yorker thinks they’ve come across a workable plan.
Of course, the left’s plan to dispose of Trump is nothing new. California Representative Maxine Waters has basically made firing Trump her only goal for the last several months. She’s done everything from accuse Trump of collusion with Russia over the “Crooked Hillary nickname to criticizing Trump for being complicit in Putin’s invasion of Korea — something that never happened. In short, Waters has vowed to lead Trump “right into impeachment.”
In order to remove Trump from office, ‘many’ are willing to invoke the 25th amendment. The New Yorker certainly hopes this will happen, and they’ve written a piece explaining the process.
Read the New Yorker’s article next page:
former Donald Trump campaign adviser and alleged Russian intel asset Carter Page has publicly asserted his eagerness to go along with any requests to testify in the Trump-Russia scandal investigation. But last week the Senate Intel Committee called Page on his bluff. And based on his response, it turns out he was indeed bluffing. Subpoenas are probably about to come, and based on Page’s response, he’s clearly not happy.
No wonder the country is in such dire straits , look at the idiots who were running it.
As the crime moves forward in the red party
The stunning new revelation suggests that Donald Trump may have had his financial associates pay the radioactive Paul Manafort to go away, after allegations of the Kremlin payments surfaced during the height of the 2016 campaign. Manafort had been running the Trump campaign while taking no salary, so his departure from the campaign would not have placed any sudden financial strain on him. Yet nonetheless, Manafort instantly borrowed millions from Trump associate Alexander Rovt, who has a long financial association with Trump hotels.
Keep dreaming libtards. He has done more in 100 days than the last clown did in 8 years. Ironic thing is that the majority of his success is unfu&king up what the last administration messed up.
Like the last 8 years of crying and protest in congress lmfao not everyone has forgot the pledge they took on date want to$#%&!@*over America because the republican lost
Mean while in orangeville
On the House Intel Committee, the U.S. intelligence community would have customarily shown the most sensitive Trump-Russia evidence only to the chair and ranking member. That is of course Devin Nunes and Adam Schiff, respectively. Or at least it was, before Nunes tried so hard to tamper in the investigation that he was forced to step away from it while he sorts through ethics charges.
Since the Democratic Party seems to be a group of Bolsheviks and seditionists I say we get rid of the Democratic Party!!!!!
Instead of trying to figure out ways to vet rid of Trump, why don’t they do THEIR jobs to help him do his job, which is to make a better America.
He has done so very much already without support of the democrats and some of his own party! Just think how wonderful our country could become if they started working with him for the people, instead of against him and the people….
I question the mental health of Congress SMH