With November rapidly approaching, and the voting booths due to open for the election of our next president, interest in politics is high and so is the number of spontaneous “experts” on the candidates running for office. The past few months have revealed quite a bit about American voting trends. For example, liberals hate Donald Trump because . . . well, they don’t actually know why they hate Donald Trump. Perhaps because he’s allegedly racist, and they love Hillary Clinton despite the fact that she’s lied to the American people more times than anybody can count.
Facts aside, the tactics of liberal activists have revealed just how contradicting and hypocritical their beliefs are. Look at the recent Donald Trump rallies, where one man rushed the stage in Dayton, OH, and the woman in San Jose who was attacked by Mexicans for wearing a Donald Trump jersey. Then there’s the 4th of July Parade, where people chucked things at a Donald Trump float.
Watch the video on the next page.
You must of been sleeping in history class dummy
Well quit attacking Trump then. Hillary is the Gestapo
When are you dumb$#%&!@*liberals going to live in the here and now. Any one who compares Trump with$#%&!@*has a major screw loose. You gonna vote for a confirmed clumsy criminal as in Hillary to seal your fate? Have at it$#%&!@*hat!
This is the way the Democrats would do that!!
Obama n Hillary people they don’t want America to prosper they want to destroy but God has his plans ready for them
people, build you a nice sling shot, get some smooth stones. , you know the rest???
Point is, BAD people attract protesters.
They’re not protesters they’re rioters and should be dealt with accordingly
Don’t jail them…..protect yourself an neutralize them before they kill you and your family. They will kill you and your family because they hate you. Is any of this getting through?