With the Republican race down to Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich, things have gotten extremely heated as state after state tallied votes in order to pick the party’s presidential nominee. The latest such battleground was Wisconsin, which held it’s primary election last Tuesday.
Although Trump has led the GOP race for the past year, Cruz has managed to pose a formidable challenge to the real estate tycoon, nabbing primaries by the narrowest of margins and keeping the Donald from fully capitalizing on his momentum. On Tuesday, however, the Texas senator dealt what is possibly the heaviest blow to Trump’s campaign so far.
Easily winning the state, Cruz has now made it nearly impossible for Trump to get enough delegates to get the party’s nomination. Needless to say, certain parties are likely pleased about this turn of events.
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Well if Trump goes to the Convention with the most delegates and is Denied the Nomination America will Witness the collapse of the RNC! Trump supporters will still Vote and write in TRUMP and Vote Out every RINO, FOSSILE in Congress!
TRUMP is not a Johnny-Come-Lately! He is a Seasoned, Time Tried and Brilliant Negoiator, Arbitrator and Center of Influence throughout the WORLD! He knows on a First Name Basis most Foreign Leaders and they Respect his Abilites..So who do you do you want for the next President? Another Golfer, A Pathological Liar and Killer, A Brain Dead Socialist that wants to give away the Country, or Maybe, Just Maybe we can Elect a True Leader this TIME!
Trumps a clown and we’ve already had 8 years of a circus…
War will break out of they screw the people of their votes and allow Clinton to win.
This year, Tax Freedom Day falls on April 24, or 114 days into the year (excluding Leap Day).
The GOP will never let anyone not under their thumb to be president. Trump would upset their little corrupt lobbist money swapping and they know it. We are seeing the end of the country our forefathers started.
Truth And Action…I have a really good eyesight!…? and you? jont now…
Os9oDQH (y) start now. ~~> http://goo.gl/eu9tDr
let’s like post: Nearly impossible now……
Garrett Groff
Good job Mr trump 16
If he runs a country like he runs his mouth we are in deep trouble.